Schumann, Tim (2019). Community Building als Mission: Öffentliche Bibliotheken als Ermöglicher. In Hauke, Petra (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Bibliothek 2030 (S. 185-193). Bock + Herchen Verlag. DOI: 10.18452/19927
Der Wandel Öffentlicher Bibliotheken wird stark mit der Öffnung und Anbietung des physischen Raumes der Bibliothek und der Einbindung der Menschen darin verbunden. Damit rückt die Idee des Community Building als Arbeitsfeld für Öffentliche Bibliotheken stärker in den Fokus, womit mehr gemeint ist als die Umgestaltung von Bibliotheken zuglqqDritten Ortengrqq. Vielmehr können Bibliotheken durch aktive Kooperationen mit der Zivilgesellschaft kommunale Netzwerke bilden oder stärken und Menschen miteinander in Kontakt bringen. Bibliotheken, die dieses neue Arbeitsfeld aufgreifen, agieren damit automatisch im Bereich der sozialen Nachhaltigkeit und helfen dabei, die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen zu erfüllen, die u. a. die Stärkung des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts zum Ziel hat. Darüber hinaus können sie sogar eine aktivere Rolle in der Stadtentwicklung einnehmen, die sich immer stärker auf Nachhaltigkeit fokussiert.
Jeng, Ling Hwey (2022). Community-based librarianship: A first step towards sustainability. In Tanner, René; Ho, Adrian K.; Antonelli, Monika; Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (Hrsg.), Libraries and sustainability: Programs and practices for community impact (S. 117-125). ALA Editions
"Sustainability is not about keeping the world the way it is today. Sustainability is about building a better world. It is based on the recognition that economy and environment are not a zero sum game and that people have the power to ensure the quality of life of their own community. It's time for librarians 'to make a better world through direct engagement with our communities.’ By achieving the competencies in community-based librarianship, this new generation of LIS graduates will be equipped to transform LIS into a community anchored librarianship and to establish a new community-centered perspective for the benefit of librarians’ education and professional development.”
Johnson, Catherine; Pinnick Andrejko, Maggie (2022). Composting at home. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 137-142). ALA Editions
Composting is a way to recycle organic matter, like food scraps and grass clippings, into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. The best part is that it's great for the environment too. A composting program is a great homesteading topic to offer because it is an accessible program for many patrons. Composting can be done in homes with big backyards, as well as school yards or college campuses.
Bilotta, Anna (2022). Comunicare la sostenibilità in biblioteca. Biblioteche Oggi, 40(7), 19-23. DOI: 10.3302/0392-8586-202207-019-1
The paper represents the third stage of the ``Ways of sustainability'', after reflections on buildings, specialized collections, training and educational initiatives. In this series of papers different themes are faced, all referable to libraries sustainability. This paper analyses the strategic role of communication, reporting Italian examples relating to public and academic libraries, guiding principles and actions that promote a more sustainable behavior of librarians and users in the library and in everyday life and ensure that libraries become an example for citizens.
Sustainable Libraries Initiative (2022). Congratulations, Mid-Hudson Library System
October 31, 2022: The Sustainable Libraries Initiative is pleased to announce that we have certified our first library system through the Sustainable Library Certification Program. The Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS), led by Executive Director and SLI Co-Founder, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, has earned this designation.
Rowan, Jennifer; Ma, Aiyang; Sharkey, Karen (2022). Connecting community through sustainability: Seeds, climate action kits, and repair cafés. In Tanner, René; Ho, Adrian K.; Antonelli, Monika; Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (Hrsg.), Libraries and sustainability: Programs and practices for community impact (S. 97-104). ALA Editions
The Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) is one of two public library systems on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and has twelve branches that are located on the unceded lands of the Esquimalt, Songhees, and Saanich peoples. Serving a population of approximately 300,000 people, GVPL branches exist within a vibrant arts and culture community that is also the seat of the provincial government, home to an expanding technology sector, and situated in a landscape that contributes to the growing interest in food sustainability and local producers. As public libraries work to ensure that library services and building partnerships to help support quality collections, programs, functional spaces, and strong communities.
Charney, Madeleine; Smith, Sara (2017). Contemplative pedagogy & mindfulness for librarians. Five Colleges Consortium.
Charney, Madeleine; Colvin, Jenny (2018). Contemplative pedagogy: Building resilience in academic libraries. In Hauke, Petra; Charney, Madeleine; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world (S. 32-45). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.1515/9783110608878-005
This paper addresses the emerging movement of contemplative pedagogy in higher education with an emphasis on academic librarianship. The authors posit how integrating mindfulness-based practices into pedagogy and programming builds resilience in students, creating meaning in an age of climate disruption, information overload and uncertain times. Examples of librarians’ relevant professional development activities are also included. Library spaces offering mindfulness opportunities for students are explored and a contemplative-oriented, campus-wide collaboration centred on climate disruption is featured. Selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda are touched on, demonstrating how contemplative approaches in academic libraries support well-being, justice, community building and concern for the fate of the earth.
Wagner, Janet (2023). Contributions of the University Library to the goals of the Climate Emergency Declaration of Freie Universität Berlin: "Let's scan''!. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3(2), 22-23
Considering the holistic changeover in all libraries of the Freie Universität, the saving on printers and copiers, toners, paper and energy costs, we communicate this proactively as an important contribution to the goals of the climate emergency declaration. In addition, we are following a nationwide trend: free, independent scanning is now standard in many German libraries.
Frantz, Anna (2022). Coordinating gardening and sustainability programs with local experts. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 3-8). ALA Editions
The interest in all subjects related to gardening and sustainability continues to grow in library communities, especially for those who are trying to be more environmentally conscious. As librarians, we want to support our communities' interests and ensure access to these kinds of programs. However, if one has limited experience with this subject, planning these programs can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, most communities, whether large or small, have gardening and sustainability experts who are happy to share their knowledge. This chapter will provide examples of organizations your library can contact to host programs, as well as the key details you'll want to discuss with them to ensure a successful program.
Blaine, Amy S. (2010). Creating a lean, green, library machine: Easy eco-friendly habits for your library. Library Media Connection, 28(4), 24-26
For some library media specialists, implementing the three Rs of recycling, reducing, and reusing comes easily; they've been environmentally conscious well before the concept of going green made its way into the vernacular. Yet for some of library media specialists, the thought of greening their library, let alone the entire school, can seem rather daunting. Whether library media specialists want to begin eco-friendly practices in their library in response to school-based initiatives or to take the lead in developing a school-wide program, it can be helpful, and encouraging, to learn some eco-friendly ways to become a lean, green, library machine. The author describes easy eco-friendly habits for one's library.
Lyons, Reneé (2019). Creating environmental stewards: Nonfiction prompting a sustainable planet. Children & Libraries, 17(2), 14-19
The article offers information on importance of green literature for environmental protection. Topics include loss of natural forests due to minimal activities; rate of extinction of rare animals due to deforestation; and need of books which presents models of promotion activities, field trips in schools, and associated events to access pro-environmental behaviors.
Wilson, Lizabeth A. (2012). Creating sustainable futures for academic libraries. Journal of Library Administration, 52(1), 78-93. DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2012.630241
Shaffer, Gary L. (2018). Creating the sustainable public library: The triple bottom line approach. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC. ISBN: 9781440857027
Transform any public library into a truly sustainable organization―not just environmentally sustainable, but economically and socially sustainable as well―by following the directions and practices described in this book. Sustainability in the context of ensuring the long-term success of a public library involves more than green initiatives and conserving resources: textquotedblsustainabilitytextquotedbl for libraries also describes efforts to increase their institutions' relevance to their communities as well as to make their programs socially equitable and economically feasible―a substantial challenge. This book is a powerful tool that public librarians, library directors, and library managers can use to create a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) sustainable library, to lead sustainability initiatives in their community, and to identify and adjust their current practices that are considered sustainable to improve performance. The chapters focus on the elements of library sustainability separately, first addressing economic and environmental sustainability before examining the aspects of internal (workforce) and external (community-facing) social sustainability. The author presents numerous case studies throughout the book that enable readers to better understand how the sustainability principles described play out in the real world.
Olszak, Lydia (2018). Creating the sustainable public library: The triple bottom line approach: Review. Library Journal, 143(12), 82
Kyiv Public Library for Children (2021). Creation of the environmental space in the library: Charitable organization "Library country", Kyiv Public Library for Children
Environmental protection projects are poorly developed in the libraries of Ukraine. There was a free premises in the Kyiv public library and the desire of librarians to start an educational project on nature protection. Together with the Charity ``Library country'' the joint project was established.
Zlatar Radigović, Karolina (2019). Croatian Cyclolibrarians and Sustainable Development: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece.
As a means of advocacy, the Zagreb Library Association and the ZLA Bicyclists Working Group are organizing bicycle tours for the fifth year running. Cyclolibrarians aim to connect libraries, discuss professional experiences with fellow librarians and create new relationships necessary for future cooperation, all the while developing the culture of bicycling, a well-known mode of sustainable transport. ZLA Bicyclists promote a healthy lifestyle and caring for the community by introducing the participants of the tours to our cultural and natural heritage. With these day-long events, the cyclolibrarian community promotes diverse and valuable library programs and creates a network of advocates of books and libraries. The bicycle tours promote exercise in the outdoors, foster communication with book lovers and create a positive public image of libraries. Along the way, cyclolibrarians discuss books and professional experiences, socialize and, of course, ride – bicycles! The successful Bicycle Through Zagreb County Libraries program is being extended nationally under the name Bicycle Through Croatian Libraries.
Chant, Ian (2014). Crossroads of design. Library Journal, Library By Design, Fall 2014, 8-9
Information about a one-day event called the Design Institute held on May 16, 2014, sponsored by the textquotedblLibrary Journal,textquotedbl on library design is presented. Topics include sustainability, the U.S. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, and community engagement. The Design Institute featured Salt Lake County Library director Jim Cooper, Ian Godfrey of the University of Utah's Marriott Library, and architect Kenner Kingston at Architectural Nexus.
Premarathne, B. N. G. S.; Bandara, B. E. S. (2019). Current status of Green Library Concept in public libraries of Central Province in Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 22(2), 119-128. DOI: 10.4038/jula.v22i2.7941
Green Library concept minimizes the negative effect on the natural environment and improves the quality of the library services by effective and sustainable use of resources. Concept of green library movement among the Sri Lankan library field is still at the grassroots level, whereas in the international scenario, it has already gained popularity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the current situation of green library initiatives in public libraries in Central province and to find out the level of awareness on green library concept among the library professionals. Survey research design was applied by using questionnaires. There are 193 public libraries in Central province but only 83 libraries are functioning with the Librarians Grade I, II or III. Other libraries are functioning as a reading room or branch libraries without a librarian. Total of 83 public libraries were selected purposively where there are authorized persons to manage them. The Response rate was 83%. Other than that, library visits and observations are also used for the analysis. Selected public libraries are governed by the provincial local government authorities and there were different grades of librarians in each library. There are 62% adults and 38% of children are the registered user community. It was investigated that the selected libraries are fairly applying the green library concept in their libraries without knowing the green concept. They have applied this concept in the areas of waste disposal, cleaning, energy savings, gardening, natural ventilation methods and lightings in an environmental friendly way. The study found that the availability of limited land area, limited fund allocations, limited staff, administrative issues and limited resources are the barriers to create an environmental friendly library. Results concluded that the green library initiatives in public libraries of the central province are still not at in a satisfactory level. Therefore, well - planned policy is required to implement this timely important concept to Sri Lankan public libraries.
IFLA Section Environment, Sustainability_and_Libraries (2022). Czym jest Zielona Biblioteka?.
Zielona i zrównoważona biblioteka uwzględnia równowagę środowiskową, gospodarczą i społeczną. Zielone i zrównoważone biblioteki mogą być dowolnej wielkości, ale powinny mieć jasno określony program zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
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Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit