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Overbey, Tracey A. (2020). Food deserts, libraries, and urban communities: What Is the connection?. Public Library Quarterly, 39(1), 37-49. DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2019.1591156 |
Udell, Emily (2019). Food for thought: Academic libraries are fighting campus food insecurity with onsite pantries. American Libraries, 50(5), 12 |
Engida, G. (2015). Foreword. In Singh, Jagtar; Grizzle, Alton; Yee, Sin Joan; Culver, Sherri Hope (Hrsg.), Media and information literacy for the sustainable development goals (S. 9-11). International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom, University of Gothenburg |
Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira; Yaman, Rostam; Razali, Khairul Nazli (2022). Formulating an assessment tool for the implementation of green initiatives in library. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1067(1), 012021. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1067/1/012021 |
Odeyemi, Samuel Oladunjoye (2019). Framework to strengthen and revitalize equitable-quick access to information for sustainable development: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece. |
Hauke, Petra (2018). Freitag, 15. Juni, 10 bis 12 Uhr: Welt retten! Bibliotheken auf dem Weg zur ökologischen und sozialen Nachhaltigkeit. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(6), 329 |
Bats, Raphaëlle; Delaune, Camille; Insaurralde, Gustavo (2019). French libraries and sustainable development goals: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece. |
Bennett, Megan (2023). Fresh ideas: Libraries install fridges to address food insecurity. American Libraries, 54(June 1) |
Huang, Qunqing; Chen, Si (2018). From a green library to a sustainable library: Case-study of Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, China. In Hauke, Petra; Charney, Madeleine; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world (S. 110-121). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.1515/9783110608878-012 |
Pîrvu, Iuliana-Camelia (2019). From a small green library to a sustainable community, a path marked with SDGs: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece. |
Unsworth, Michael E.; Kendall, Susan K.; Ostrom, Kriss (2012). From grass roots to vital player: Michigan State University’s Library Environmental Committee. In Antonelli, Monika; McCullough, Mark (Hrsg.), Greening libraries (S. 81-92). Library Juice Press |
Kurbanoğlu, Serap; Boustany, Joumana (2014). From green libraries to green information literacy. In Kurbanoğlu, Serap; Špiranec, Sonja; Grassian, Esther; Mizrachi, Diane; Catts, Ralph (Hrsg.), Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century (S. 47-58). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-14136-7_6 |
Sahavirta, H. (2017). From green to sustainable libraries: Widening the concept of Green Library. In Umlauf, Konrad; Werner, Klaus Ulrich; Kaufmann, Andrea (Hrsg.), Strategien für die Bibliothek als Ort (S. 127-137). De Gruyter Saur |
Hauke, Petra (2018). From information literacy to green literacy: Training librarians as trainers for sustainability literacy. Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
Paganelli, Andrea; Szymanski, Toni; Verbit, Daniel (2021). Funding the makerspace. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), Makerspaces in practice (S. 29-50). ALA Editions |
Kremsberger, Simone; Peterson, Katie (2015). Future Library: Die Künstlerin Katie Peterson pflanzt eine Bibliothek – und das im wörtlichen Sinne. Interview. Büchereiperspektiven, 2, 32-33 |
Ward, Nell (2022). GROW it forward: Help fix the future with beans. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 20-21 |
International Federation of Library Associations_and_Institutions (IFLA) (2019). Gafemarayɔrɔw bɛ se ka dɔ faara ɲɛtaaw kan dunuya kuluba min ye oniye ka laɲini min bɛ taa fo san baafila ni bisaba (2030) la hokumu kɔnɔna na. |
Bohyun, Kim (2015). Gamification as a tool. American Libraries, 46(3/4), 26 |
Patron, Ira; Rusakova, Lilia (2018). Garbage Hero: Eco-education project "Library ECOstyleˮ at the Lviv Regional Children's Library, Ukraine. In Hauke, Petra; Charney, Madeleine; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world (S. 103-109). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.1515/9783110608878-011 |
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).