Encourage environmentally friendly living with a display full of books that offer ideas on wasting less and helping the planet.
Portugal, Katharina (2016). Do it yourself!. Büchereiperspektiven, 3, 2-3
Etwas selbst zu machen, anstatt zu kaufen, ist in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter geworden. Öffentliche Bibliotheken werden auch auf diesem Gebiet immer mehr zum Kommunikationsort und gesellschaftlichen Raum.
Cornish, Lisa (2018). Do libraries have the key to the framework for implementing the SDGs?
At Australia’s second Sustainable Development Goals Summit, Devex spoke with the Australian Library and Information Association Chief Executive Officer Sue McKerracher on how libraries have embraced the SDGs early and fully — with strong will from both the top-down and the bottom-up creating a change in governance that is leading the way for the global goals.
Schöpfel, Joachim (2016). Développement durable : des services d'information responsables. I2D - Information, données & documents, 53(1), 28-29. DOI: 10.3917/i2d.161.0028
Français: La COP21, conférence des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, a été un succès. Les gouvernements de 195 pays ont adopté le premier accord universel sur le climat. Ils reconnaissaient ainsi que les changements climatiques représentent une menace immédiate et potentiellement irréversible pour les sociétés humaines et la planète et qu’ils nécessitent la coopération la plus large possible de tous les pays afin de réduire les émissions mondiales pour limiter l’élévation des températures à 2˚C. Et maintenant ? L’accord de Paris adopté et l’intérêt médiatique retombé, doit-on s’en désintéresser ? Les changements climatiques seraient-ils uniquement l’apanage des gouvernements ? Poser la question c’est déjà y répondre... Avec ce dossier, nous voulons affirmer, en tant que professionnels de l’information, notre responsabilité et notre rôle dans ce vaste chantier en cours. English: Sustainable development - responsible information services The UN conference on climate change COP21; was a success. 195 countries adopted the first universal agreement on climate, thereby recognizing that climate change represents an immediate and potentially irreversible threat to human society and the planet. Limiting temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius will require the cooperation of as many nations as possible in reducing emissions worldwide. Now that the Paris agreement has been adopted and media interest has dropped off, should we just forget about this? Is climate change the prerogative of governments only? Simply asking the question gives us the answer. By means of this dossier, we information professionals assert our responsibility and our role in this vast work in progress. Español: Desarrollo sostenible : servicios de información responsables La COP21, la conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre los cambios climáticos, ha sido un éxito. Los gobiernos de 195 países han adoptado el primer acuerdo universal sobre el clima. También reconocen que los cambios climáticos suponen una amenaza inmediata y potencial irreversible para las sociedades humanas y el planeta, así como la necesidad de la mayor cooperación posible de todos los países para reducir las emisiones mundiales y limitar la temperatura a 2 ˚C. ¿Y ahora ? Una vez adoptado el acuerdo de París y sosegado el interés mediático, ¿perdemos el interés ? ¿Los cambios climáticos serán la única prerrogativa de los gobiernos ? Plantear la pregunta ya es responderla... Con este dosier, deseamos afirmar, como profesionales de la información, nuestra responsabilidad y nuestro papel en este gran trabajo en curso. Deutsch: Nachhaltige Entwicklung : Verantwortliche Informationsdienste Die COP21-Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen zum Klimawandel war ein Erfolg. Die Regierungen von 195 Ländern haben die erste universelle Vereinbarung zum Klima angenommen. Sie erkennen damit an, dass der Klimawandel eine unmittelbare und potentiell irreversible Bedrohung für die Menschheit und den Planeten darstellt, und dass er die weitmöglichste Kooperation aller Länder benötigt, um die weltweiten Emissionen zu reduzieren und den Temperaturanstieg auf 2˚C zu begrenzen. Und nun? Jetzt, wo das Paris-Abkommen angenommen wurde und das Medieninteresse zurückgeht, geht auch das Interesse zurück? Ist Klimawandel nur ein Thema für Regierungen? Die Frage beinhaltet bereits die Antwort ... Mit diesem Dossier möchten wir die Rolle und Verantwortung der Information Professionals an diesem breiten Thema unterstreichen.
Vosgin, Jean-Pierre; Schöpfel, Joachim (2014). Développement durable et bibliothèques: La Performance globale. In Schöpfel, Joachim; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa (Hrsg.), Vers la bibliothèque globale (S. 15-30). Éd. du Cercle de la Librairie
EBLIDA The European Bureau of Library, Information; Documentation Associations (2021). ELSIA - Expert Group European Libraries and Sustainable Development Implementation and Assessment
EBLIDA has created the ELSIA (European Libraries and Sustainable development Implementation and Assessment) Expert Group dealing with the implementation and of the 2030 Agenda in European libraries.
Hauke, Petra (2022). ENSULIB -- der lange Weg von der "speziellen Interessengruppe" zur IFLA-Sektion. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 74(6), 349
ENSULIB, die IFLA-Sektion für Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit und Bibliotheken (Environment, Sustainability and Libraries) gibt es seit etwas mehr als zwölf Jahren. In ihrer Abschlussrede auf der IFLA-Konferenz 2008 in Quebec, Kanada, postulierte Claudia Lux, damalige IFLA-Präsidentin, zum ersten Mal die Schlüsselrolle von Bibliotheken für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Informationsgesellschaft.
On August 19, the Environment, Sustainability, and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) and the Public Libraries Section (PLS) held a satellite meeting in collaboration with Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant at LocHal in Tilburg, The Netherlands. The event took place before the 2023 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam. The central theme of the meeting was textquotedblLibraries as Actors of Climate Empowerment,textquotedbl emphasizing the role of libraries in climate action and community engagement.
Henk, Mandy (2014). Ecology, economy, equity: The path to a carbon-neutral library. Chicago: American Library Association. ISBN: 9780838919682
In the first book to seriously examine the future of libraries in a climate reality-based context, Henk convincingly argues that building a carbon-neutral future for libraries is not only essential but eminently practical. Using the ``three E's'' of sustainability (ecology, economy, equity) as a foundation, she traces the development of sustainability from its origins in the 1970s to the present, laying out a path librarians can take at their own institutions to begin the process of building a carbon-neutral library. Rooted in the latest science but firmly focused on concrete action, her book Makes the case for sustainable libraries, tying the values that define the profession to the necessity of rethinking library operations and services in light of climate change Guides readers through the first steps, with advice on starting the conversation, conducting outreach to stakeholders, and forming a sustainability committee Includes a Sustainability Assessment and a sample sustainability plan that libraries can tailor for use at their own institution Looks at the challenges of technology and corporate power in the library, addressing the power imbalance between large corporations and libraries and suggesting alternatives to the status quo Discusses how libraries can combine strong advocacy with powerful activism to propel the library world into a socially just, safely powered world Offers a bibliography of additional resources Written by an activist who is also a working librarian, the book's balance between scientific research and step-by-step action will prove stimulating for library planners, administrators, LIS students, and anyone with an interest in climate change, sustainability, and libraries. Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- PART I -- 1. Librarianship and the Three Es -- 2. The Case for Sustainability in the Library -- 3. Making the Transition: The First Steps -- PART II -- 4. Ecology -- 5. Economy -- 6. Equity -- PART III -- 7. The Challenges of Technology and Corporate Power in the Library -- 8. Curbing Corporate Power -- 9. Resolving the Technology Dilemma -- 10. Visioning the Sustainable Library -- A. Sustainability Assessment Worksheet -- B. Sample Sustainability Plan -- C. Resources for Starting a Sustainability Discussion in Your Library -- Bibliography -- Index.
Hörning, Beate (2019). Ein Garten auf dem Dach macht noch keine grüne Bibliothek: Bibliotheken und die UN-Agenda 2030. Rezension. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 71(4), 232-233
Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world buildings, management, programmes and services edited on behalf of IFLA/ENSULIB by Petra Hauke, Madeleine Charney and Harri Sahavirta. (Book review)
Wilde, Manfred (2013). Eine Wärmepumpe für ein Baudenkmal: Die Energiesparbibliothek in Delitzsch als Beispiel für ressourcenschonenden und nachhaltigen Städtebau. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 365-372). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2315
Die im Jahre 2009 eingeweihte Delitzscher Stadtbibliothek „Alte Lateinschule“ ist eine in mehrfacher Hinsicht bemerkenswerte Bildungseinrichtung. Die Bibliothek war mit 42.000 Medieneinheiten am alten Standort für den Bedarf zu klein geworden, auch fehlte ein Lesesaal. Nach Prüfung mehrerer Standorte fiel die Wahl auf ein inmitten der historischen Altstadt gelegenes, 1426 erbautes, inzwischen baulich ruiniertes Gebäude. Aus der Idee einer städtischen Projektgruppe heraus wurde das Konzept entwickelt, erstmals für die Stadt eine Erdwärmepumpenheizung zu installieren. Mit diesem Prinzip der Wärmeverdichtung kann etwa die Hälfte der Energie gegenüber einer modernen Gasheizung eingespart werden. Inaugurated in 2009, the Delitzsch City Library “Alte Lateinschule” (“Old Latin School”) is in many respects a remarkable educational facility. The library with its 42,000 media items became too small for the requirements of the old location, and lacked a reading room. After comparing several locations a building was chosen which is located in the historical centre; it was built in 1426 but was in a ruinous condition. Based on an idea of a municipal project group, the concept to install a geothermal heat pump for the first time in the town was developed. The principle of heat compression can save about half the energy compared to conventional gas heating.
Unterthurner, Ulrike (2015). Einfach die Welt verändern: Sich der Umwelt bewusst sein: Das bringt Lebensqualität. Büchereiperspektiven, 2, 8-9
Vorarlberger Bibliotheken nehmen sich Zeit dafür und machen Lust auf Umwelt - mit einem spannenden, umfangreichen und vielseitigen Angebot.
Corradini, Franziska (2020). Einfluss der Agenda 2030 auf die deutschsprachige Bibliothekswelt. LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 16(38)
Genau wie Libraries4Future sieht auch die International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Bibliotheken in einer Schlüsselrolle für eine klimafreundliche und friedliche Welt. Nachhaltigkeit gehört schon lange zum Themenrepertoire der IFLA. Dadurch konnte sie bei der Entstehung der Agenda 2030 soweit Einfluss nehmen, dass in dieser der Zugang zu Information, Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien als Zielelemente verankert sind. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Einfluss der Agenda 2030 auf die deutschsprachige Bibliothekswelt.
Sächsische Landesfachstelle für Bibliotheken (2020). Einführung von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) im öffentlichen Bibliothekswesen in Sachsen.
Die Handreichung gibt eine kurze theoretischen Einführung in Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Sie enthält einige Anregungen, wie erste Schritte hin zu einer nachhaltigen Bibliothek aussehen können und sie führt Praxisbeispiele aus verschiedenen Bibliotheken an. Die Beispiele sollen Impulse setzen.
International Federation of Library Associations_and_Institutions (IFLA) (2018). Ejemplos, educadoras, habilitadoras: Bibliotecas y sostenibilidad: Cómo las bibliotecas pueden contribuir a la sostenibilidad.
Las bibliotecas son, sin duda alguna, uno de los ejemplos más tempranos de economía del intercambio. Al comprar libros colectivamente (ya sea a través de suscripciones, en el caso de bibliotecas privadas, o de impuestos, en el caso de bibliotecas públicas), han puesto en práctica una excelente manera de maximizar el acceso y reducir el consumo.
Hörning, Beate (2023). Ellyssa Kroski: 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries. Rezension. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 47(2), 417-419. DOI: 10.1515/bfp-2022-0083
Ellyssa Kroski (Ed.): 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries, Chicago: ALA Editions, 2022, ISBN 9780838936498, $59.99 (Book review)
Axelsson, Emma (2022). En outnyttjad resurs? En undersökning om gröna bibliotek och folkbibliotekets roll i klimatkrisen. Masteruppsats.
English Title An Unused Resource? A Study of Green Libraries and the Role of Public Libraries in the Climate Crisis. Abstract: Introduction. This thesis focuses on the concept of green libraries with the aim to understand how the public library can promote climate action. Since green libraries for long have been absent in Sweden, the study's objective is to examine green libraries in an international context to address what features four German public libraries show that green libraries can fulfill; and in a national context to investigate how green libraries can apply to the Swedish public library's role in society. Method. Semi-structured interviews with librarians at four German green libraries were conducted. The interviews were recorded, and the transcripts was analyzed thematically. In addition to the interviews, the material also con- sists of documents of different genres used to analyze the Swedish perspective. Analysis. The analytical framework uses a theoretical model specially designed to be used in the analysis, called the re-intermediary-model. The model demonstrates the potential of the public library as a social infrastructure in addressing societal issues, such as the issue of climate change. The analysis maps the empirical material and pre- vious research about green libraries to show which library features it fits into. Additionally, the mapped empirical material helps identify the opportunities for green libraries in Sweden. Results. The analysis identifies several areas of interest. The results show that the German green libraries fit into the features of the theoretical model. The libraries' green activities and services function as local meeting places; they inspire users to act with more environmental awareness; green libraries educate about climate change and ways to promote climate action in daily life; and they offer creative spaces to let the users experience sustainability. The results also show that there are many opportunities for green libraries to be applied in Sweden. Many aspects of green libraries and climate action conform to the Swedish Library Act, foremost the legislation requiring mu- nicipalities and county councils to adopt library plans which enables politicians to include climate strategies in the plans and public libraries in local climate strategies. Swedish libraries could devote themselves to conveying knowledge and information about climate change in several ways, for example through urban gardening, media and information literacy, repair cafés and lectures. Conclusion. Findings reveal that the public library can support civic abilities to participate in climate action. The view of the public library as a space for living and not only a place of books enables the library to convey infor- mation and knowledge through various activities and services. The public library's local connection and inclusive target group give capacity to bring people closer to complex information about climate change, which could benefit climate action and promote community resilience. The thesis also show that Swedish public libraries have a po- tential site for addressing the issue of climate change and promote climate action.
Kropp, Lisa G. (2020). Enduring, disrupting, and thriving: Becoming a certified sustainable library. American Libraries, 51(April 28)
To mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day---and recognize the American Library Association adding sustainability as a core value---American Libraries returns with its ongoing sustainability series. In these posts, information professionals share their experiences with sustainability in libraries. Sustainable thinking aligns a library's core values and resources with both the local and global community's right to endure, bounce back from disruption, and thrive by bringing energetic new life to fruition through the choices made in all areas of library operations and outreach.
Bibliotheken_im_Landkreis Lüneburg (2022). Energiepakete für den Klimaschutz daheim
Geld und Energie sparen und dies für Alle zugänglich -- mit den Energiepaketen von Landkreis und Hansestadt Lüneburg. In 19 Bibliotheken im gesamten Landkreis können Nutzer*innen seit 2015 Bücher zu den Themen Energiesparen, energetische Sanierung, Kinder und Jugendbücher sowie Bücher mit klimafreundlichen Rezepten und Haushaltstipps ausleihen. Stark nachgefragt sind die 7 Energiesparboxen für den klimaschonenden Alltag.
Kanagavel, P.; Sridhar, K.; Gomathinayagam, S. (2016). Energy Efficiency in Library: 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management, Sri Lanka.
The way the world has used global natural resources in the past has placed a tremendous strain on the environment -- depleting our natural resources, polluting the environment, warming the earth, raising sea levels, and endangering our biodiversity. Climate change has become the inevitable result of our past actions. According to a report published in India, cities consume two thirds of global energy use and 76% of the world's energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) are also emitted by cities through transport, industry, and building and construction related activities. Sustainable development has always been a key consideration for the development of India. Growing and developing our city state in an efficient, clean and green way by utilizing less resources; generating less waste; reducing pollution to the environment. In response to broad concerns regarding the environment and climate change, Green Library are becoming much more common and are increasingly in demand by Libraries. The online Dictionary of Library and Information Science defines Green Libraries as: A Library designed to minimize negative impact on the natural environment and maximize indoor environment quality by means of careful site selection, use of natural construction materials and biodegradable products, conservation of resources (water, energy, paper, responsible waste, disposal, Recycling etc). In new constructing and library renovation, sustainability is increasingly achieved through LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) certification a Rating system developed and administered by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). A Green Library also knows as a Sustainable Library, is a library build with environmental concerns in mind, Green libraries are a part of the larger green building movement. The main aim of this article to identify and create awareness about the reduction of energy consumption and energy cost in the Libraries. The green and energy saving design of library consists of the following parts: integrating energy management system in monitoring and control systems, complex vacuum glazing of building envelope, energy saving illuminating system, convertible frequency air-conditioner of HVAC and rainwater utilization system. In recent years, building energy consumption increased fast in India, especially the public buildings.Based on this research, some possible actions can be suggested for improving Library activities and output indicators towards mitigating the Climate Change and Global Warming.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit