Gredig, Florian (2023). In Deutschland bringt Janet Wagner in Sachen Bibliotheken und Nachhaltigkeit viel Know-how mit. Ein Interview. Bibliosuisse Info, 5(1), 14-15
Janet Wagner ist Gründungsmitglied des Netzwerks Grüne Bibliothek und Mitinitiantin von Libraries4Future. Hauptberuflich arbeitet sie an der Philologischen Bibliothek der Freien Universität (FU) Berlin unter anderem als interne Koordinatorin zwischen der Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit der FU und den FU-Bibliotheken und im Kommunikationsteam der Universitätsbibliothek. Mit Bildung - Nachhaltigkeit - Transformation beschäftigt sie sich auch in einem laufenden Masterstudiengang an der Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.
Vasishta, Seema; Navjyoti; Dhanda, Maninder Kaur (2019). Increasing ``Green Quotient'' in Libraries: A Case Study of Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh, India. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 9(4), 159-162. DOI: 10.5958/2249-5576.2019.00032.3
A significant movement of maximizing the green quotient is gaining momentum all over the world, with libraries being no exception. Libraries are being customised to `Green Libraries' so as to sustain the natural resources, create environment consciousness and protect the environment. In the present scenario, to develop a successful library, a librarian must establish such services which are not only useful for the users but also work for increasing the green quotient, leading to developing sustainable communities. Green libraries are the need of the hour to save the Mother Earth. The primary objective of this research paper is to analyse the importance of adopting `Going Green' practices and how green and sustainable practices have been implemented in Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh. Many new technologies and practices are being implemented by the library professionals in the library understudy to minimize the negative impact of carbon footprints on the environment. This paper also gives an overview of some green activities that could be followed in developing countries such as India, which would help in sustaining eco-friendly movement.
Ghorbani, M. (2017). Indicators for sustainable management of green libraries: A qualitative research. Librarianship and Information Organization Studies, 28(1), 29-45
Purpose: To identify indicators of sustainable management in Iranian libraries to achieve a green library. Methodology: In this qualitative research, 12 experts in knowledge and information science and sustainable development were interviewed using purposive and snowball sampling and semi-structured interviews. Data analyzed, coded and categorized using three stage grounded theory. Results: 215 concepts in open coding were grouped in 62 categories: context (with 24 concepst and 9 categories), causes (with 43 concepts and 13 categories), interferences (with 19 concepts and 10 categories), strategies (with 102 concepts and 17 categories) and outcomes (with 27 concepts and 14 categories). Conclusion: Library management needs to be moved toward sustainable management model- a model which focuses on green libraries regarding sustainable indicators.
Fombad, Madeleine C.; Chisita, Collence Takaingenhamo; Onyancha, Omwoyo Bosire; Minishi-Majanja, Mabel K. (Hrsg.) (2023). Information Services for a Sustainable Society. : De Gruyter. ISBN: 9783110772753
The publication seeks to establish how information professionals are providing information services in in a sustainable society in an era of information disorder. It also provides the strategic direction to strengthen the global voice of libraries, inspiring and enhancing professional practice as well as enhancing international cooperation and collaboration among LIS educators and practitioners. The contents is divided according to the following key sub-themes that resonate with the title as outlined below: - Library and information services in the information age - Data and records in an era of information disorder - Archives, data curation and preservation in the digital era - Data science, analytics and visualization - Information ethics in the digital era - Information deluge in the digital era - Information and knowledge management - Fourth Industrial revolution. The highlighted themes explore critical issues relating to how libraries, archives and related institutions are responding to the seismic shifts in the information landscape amidst a myriad of challenges and opportunities. The sub-themes bring together a tapestry of articles that explore the status, experiences and future prospects of the dynamic library and information science practice.
Mulumba, Onan; Akullo, Winny Nekesa (2018). Information dissemination is not enough: Preparing librarians for effective climate change effects mitigation in Uganda. In Hauke, Petra; Charney, Madeleine; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world (S. 197-209). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.1515/9783110608878-019
The major role of most libraries is to collect, process, store, retrieve and disseminate information. However, this routine demotivates many librarians who have the potential and enthusiasm to make an impact on national development. Climate change is one of the most challenging global occurrences. It greatly affects many developmental activities such as agriculture, on which over 80% of Uganda’s population thrives. The aim of this paper is to assess and recommend innovative ways through which librarians can practically participate in the mitigation of climate change effects in the country in addition to information dissemination. The study used a cross-sectional survey of librarians in Uganda and realised a response rate of 95.5%, with most respondents from academic institutions and their primary role mainly (83.7%) as librarians. It was established that the majority (55.8%) was aware of the 2030 United Nations (UN) Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also observed was that air pollution, toxic pollutants and deforestation are the key causes of environmental degradation in Uganda. Librarians should be repositioned to promote products and services which assist in reducing waste as well as promoting awareness campaigns for waste reduction and education. This initiative, however, is expected to be affected by challenges such as poverty and the subsistence needs of the communities as well as conflicting priorities of the people and government.
Spink, Amanda (1999). Information science in sustainable development and de-industrialization. Information Research, 5(1)
This working paper brings together concepts and ideas about the role of information in the future of humanity. Different views have emerged within the international debate on sustainable development - a global industrialization view centers on sustaining global industrialization and a new moral order that advocates societal downscaling and de-industrialization based on regional self-sufficiency to preserve humanity. This working paper briefly outlines these approaches to sustainable development and their relationship to information science research. Both views are distinguished by their approach to de-industrialization. Global industrialization includes pockets of de-industrialization of communities and regions, and societal down scaling includes a de-industrialization process to a sustainable community. De-industrialization is therefore a growing interdisciplinary area of research within sociology, urban planning and policy, and economics. However, information science research is becoming primarily concerned with the informational dimensions of the global industrialization - not de-industrialization. Despite the growing interdisciplinary literature on sustainable development and de-industrialization, the informational aspects of these important issues have yet to be fully explored.
Breidlid, Jacqueline; Eide, Per; Portugal, Katharina (2022). Inspired and engaged on sustainability: A satellite meeting report. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 5-6
Under the motto ``Inspired and Engaged on Sustainability'' the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) with the Management and Marketing Section (M\&M) and the Preservation and Conservation Section (P\&C) held a Satellite meeting from 22--23 July 2022. The general aim was to inspire and engage libraries to work on sustainability and to broaden libraries' awareness of sustainability within the library framework. The Boole Library in the University College of Cork, Ireland, hosted the Satellite meeting. The library itself has a strong focus on sustainability and was shortlisted for the IFLA Green Library Award in 2019.
Züge, Jana (2018). Integration von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in die bibliothekarische Aus- und Fortbildung: vorgelegt zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Bachelor of Arts im Studiengang Bibliotheksmanagement, Fachbereich Informationswissenschaft.
Welche Merkmale muss eine Bibliothek besitzen, um als nachhaltig zu gelten? Welche Kompetenzen sollte ein(e) “nachhaltige/r” Bibliothekar/in aufweisen. Wie lässt sich BNE mit der LIS-Ausbildung verknüpfen? Die Stärke der Arbeit liegt in der Her- und Hinleitung des Themas BNE im Kontext des bisherigen und künftigen bibliothekarischen (Selbst-)Verständnisses und seiner entsprechenden Aus- und Fortbildung.
Dankowski, Terra (2017). Intersection of Libraries and Science: Day Four of IFLA WLIC. Sustainability of practice and how scientific research is reported in the media. American Libraries, 48(August 24)
``More Than Green.'' That was the theme of a community-of-practice session presented by the Environment, Sustainability, and Libraries Special Interest Group at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress on August 23. The program explored what it means for public libraries to be sustainable and how their efforts can further the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Corradini, Franziska; Klerings, Irma; Bissels, Gerhard (2020). Interview with Petra Hauke: Sustainable Development Goals in medical libraries. Journal of EAHIL, 16(4), 6-10. DOI: 10.32384/jeahil16438
The role of libraries in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become an increasingly important topic in the last years. The authors of this paper talked to Petra Hauke, convenor of the ``Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group'' (ENSULIB) at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) about her work and the ways medical libraries might contribute to implementing the SDGs.
Kane, Kim; Myers, Rachel; Singh, Gayatri (2019). It takes a village sustainability starter. In Pun, Raymond; Shaffer, Gary L. (Hrsg.), The sustainable library's cookbook (S. 4-5). Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
We all believe in sustainability and work to be green as individuals, but there’s power in sharing our knowledge and values and working together. Grow your sustainability efforts beyond single events by creating an advisory, education, and outreach group.An ongoing, institutionally supported sustainability group jump-starts your efforts to develop a culture of sustainability in your library and community. Shared experience, institutional knowledge, and the ability to sustain your efforts across the years come from having a top-notch dedicated kitchen crew. As folks rotate on and off the group, new ideas get percolating and time-honored recipes are perfected. So gather your staff, set up your kitchen, and get cooking. A library sustainability group is a no-fail recipe for success and continuity in all of your sustainability efforts.
Stephens, Todd (2023). It's in the bag: For one library system, a food and care product collection drive brings big results. American Libraries, 54(September 1)
Spartanburg County is the fifth most populated county in South Carolina---and it's growing. In 2022, it had close to 346,000 residents, but nearly 14% of them were living at or below the federal poverty line, with an estimated 11% of children experiencing food insecurity. To help address these issues of affordability and access, Spartanburg County Public Libraries (SCPL) started its Bags of Hope initiative in 2021, connecting food and other essential items to those in need.
Alpi, Kristine M. (2000). It's not easy being green: A survey of staff experiences with environmental issues in sci-tech and other libraries. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 26. DOI: 10.5062/F4TQ5ZH0
Earth Day 2000 is time to study what is being done in libraries to promote the well-being of the environment. In March 2000, sixty-five STS-L Listserv subscribers responded to a survey asking about environmental policies and committees, individual and institutional attitudes and behavior related to recycling, and the effects of electronic journals and reserves on copying and printing. The responses provide some data on environmental activities in the libraries of STS-L subscribers. Information and tips on reducing, reusing and recycling supplement the results with concrete ideas on improving the environment in libraries.
Dankowski, Terra (2022). Join the Hub: Binghamton University Libraries creates a place to connect on sustainability. , 53(June 27)
Binghamton (N.Y.) University is known for being a top research facility for sustainability and its multidisciplinary course offerings that address the topic. But Jennifer Embree, subject librarian and Sustainability Hub coordinator for Binghamton University Libraries (BUL), noticed some gaps.
Walters, William H. (2008). Journal prices, book acquisitions, and sustainable library collections. College & Research Libraries, 69(6), 576-586. DOI: 10.5860/crl.69.6.576
Library collections are economically sustainable only if the rate of increase in costs is no greater than the rate of increase in the library acquisitions budget. Because book prices increase at a much lower rate than journal prices, undergraduate libraries can achieve economic sustainability through a renewed emphasis on books rather than journals. Book-centered collections are consistent with the goals of many undergraduate colleges, and books rather than journals may provide the best teaching resources even in those fields that rely heavily on journals for the communication of original research results.
IFLA Section Environment, Sustainability_and_Libraries (2022). Kaj je zelena knjivznica?.
Zelena in trajnostna knjižnica je knjižnica, ki upošteva okoljsko (ekološko), ekonomsko in družbeno trajnostnost. Zelene in trajnostne knjižnice so lahko kakršnekoli velikosti, vendar morajo imeti jasen trajnostni načrt.
IFLA Section Environment, Sustainability_and_Libraries (2022). Kas ir Zaļā bibliotēka?.
Vide ir apkārtne vai apstākļi, kuros cilvēki, organizācijas, dzīvnieki vai augi dzīvo vai darbojas. Vide var būt dabiska, sociāla vai kulturāla. Ilgtspējīga attīstība ir attīstība, kas “atbilst pašreizējām vajadzībām un neapdraud iespējas īstenot nākamo paaudžu vajadzības” (Mūsu kopīgā nākotne, Bruntlandes ziņojums, ANO). Pašreizējo vidi apdraud klimata pārmaiņas un citi draudi, tostarp - sociālā nevienlīdzība. Visām organizācijām jācenšas saudzēt vidi, izmantojot ilgtspējīgu attīstību. Tas attiecas arī uz visa veida bibliotēkām, tās ilgtspējīgas attīstības veicināšanā var uzņemties aktīvu un nozīmīgu lomu. Zaļa un ilgtspējīga bibliotēka ir bibliotēka, kura ņem vērā vides, ekonomisko un sociālo ilgtspēju.
Grasser, Nora; Herber, Jessica; Zydek, Jessica (2021). Keep it simple and green -- Bibliotheken im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit
Der von uns erstellte Blog „Keep it Simple and Green – Bibliotheken im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit“, ist im Rahmen unseres Marketingprojektes 2021 entstanden. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz sind Themen, die eine immer größer werdende Rolle in den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Politik und Bildung spielen. Unser Blog soll erste Ideen und Kenntnisse zur Einbringung von Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz in den Bibliotheksalltag aufzeigen. The blog we created, "Keep it Simple and Green - Libraries in the Sign of Sustainability", was created as part of our 2021 marketing project. Sustainability and environmental protection are topics that play an increasingly important role in society, politics and education. Our blog is intended to provide initial ideas and knowledge on how to incorporate sustainability and environmental protection into everyday library work. In doing so, we want to inform library staff and users about how libraries can transform themselves sustainably with just a few changes and thus improve their image in the long term. The blog also offers advice and suggestions on a wide range of topics such as plastic conservation, waste management and energy consumption. It also highlights new sustainable options and provides an impetus for resource-saving and environmentally friendly action. We also looked at ways to raise awareness among employees and users about sustainability.
Shochzwei (2019). Kleidertausch in der Bibliothek
Wissen Sie was Fast Fashion ist\($\ldots$\) ich anfänglich auch nicht. Treu dem Motto "birngen und holen" tun wir was zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Die erste Kleidertauschbörse welche partizipativ mit drei Gymnasiumschülerinnen auf Initiative von Michele Salvatore in der Kantonsbibliothek Basleland (CH) durchgeführt wurde war ein voller Erfolg!
Jahn, Kerstin (2022). Klima - Wandel und Herausforderungen für Kultureinrichtungen: Informationen und Anregungen vom 10. Tag der Bestandserhaltung. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 74(4), 188-191
Das Klima der Erde verändert sich immer mehr. Die Auswirkungen werden durch Katastrophen wie dem Hochwasser im Rheinland 2021 oder auch durch die vermehrten Waldbrände deutlich. Das Klima ist jedoch von entscheidender Bedeutung, um die Schätze der Institutionen für die nächsten Generationen zu erhalten. Der Klimawandel stellt die kulturgutbewahrenden Institutionen vor große Herausforderungen. Starkregen, Hitze und Trockenheit fordern bestehende Klimakonzepte für Gebäude und Lagerung, aber auch für die Nutzung von Objekten heraus. Kultureinrichtungen wie die Bibliotheken kämpfen nicht nur mit steigenden Temperaturen, sondern auch mit der sich ändernden relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit. Waren die Grenzwerte vor Jahren noch gemäßigt, schafen viele Klimatisierungen den Ausgleich der extremen Schwankungen heutzutage nicht mehr. Es kommt zu Ausfällen, Wasserschäden, Schimmelbildung und weiteren Problemen. Solche Notfälle gilt es zu vermeiden und mit zukunftsorientierten Klimakonzepten in Bau und Strategie sicher, wirtschaftlich und nachhaltig zu planen. Viele Einrichtungen sind mit dieser Problematik überfordert und stellen sich vielfältige Fragen: Wie hat sich das Klima in den letzten Jahren verändert und wie wird es sich entwickeln? Welchen Einfuss wird es auf das Kulturerbe haben? Wie beeinfusst das Außenklima das Innenklima in den Gebäuden und damit in den Magazinen und Depots, in welchen das Kulturgut bewahrt wird? Welche akuten Schäden sind durch die Klimaveränderungen für Bibliotheksgut zu befürchten? Welches sind mögliche schleichende Prozesse? Wie kann das Kulturgut geschützt werden? Welche akuten und präventiven Maßnahmen sind wirkungsvoll?
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
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Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit