Bibliografie Grüne Bibliothek

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Jones, David (2006). People places revisted: Guidelines for public library buildings. APLIS, 19(1), 5-12
Di Domenico, Giovanni (2021). Per una biblioteca sostenibile. Biblioteche Oggi Trends, 7(2), 19-27. DOI: 10.3302/2421-3810-202102-019-1
Schöpfel, Joachim (2016). Performance écologique des bibliothèques. Lectures, 194(janvier-février), 50-53
Joosten, Andrea (2022). Pilotprojekt CO2 Rechner für die Kultur - eine Stadtbücherei inmitten von Museen und Theatern. 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur / Journal for Library Culture, 9(3). DOI: 10.21428/1bfadeb6.67c9351c
Oyelude, Adetoun A. (2018). Placemaking and technology as tools for greening libraries. Library Hi Tech News, 35(10), 9-11. DOI: 10.1108/LHTN-09-2018-0061
Tariq, Muhammad Sharjil; Khalid, Ayesha (2023). Placing Green IT awareness and practices among universities' librarians: A NAT perspective. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(5), 102770. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2023.102770
Pun, Priscilla; Hauke, Petra (2022). Planning and developing green and sustainable libraries with the IFLA ENSULIB Section. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 9-10
Hopper, Lyn (2013). Planning to thrive: Sustainable public libraries. Public Libraries Online, June 20
Walserbibliothek Großes Walsertal - Netzwerk (2018). Plastiktaschen RAUS - Stofftaschen REIN
Hauke, Petra (2018). Plattform für gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Integration: Zur Profilbildung der Öffentlichen Bibliothek. Rezension. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70(8/9), 500-501
Wagner, Janet (2022). Pop-(F)Up-Gardening: Himbeeren, Erdbeeren und frische Kräuter zum Mitnehmen! Biblioblog
Shane, Jackie (2012). Positioning your library for solar (and financial) gain. Improving energy efficiency, lighting, and ventilation with primarily passive techniques. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 38(2), 115-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2012.01.004
Schöpfel, Joachim; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa (2014). Pour un changement de paradigme. In Schöpfel, Joachim; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa (Hrsg.), Vers la bibliothèque globale (S. 11-14). Éd. du Cercle de la Librairie
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2020). Power to the People | Sustainability. Library Journal, 145(Dec 10)
Jankowska, Maria A. (2010). Practicing sustainable environmental solutions: A call for green policy in academic libraries. Against the Grain, 22(6), 30-34. DOI: 10.7771/2380-176X.5690
Tribelhorn, Sarah K. (2023). Preliminary investigation of sustainability awareness and activities among academic libraries in the United States. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(), 102661. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102661
Achieng, Jane (2015). Preparedness of university libraries as drivers for green transformation and sustainable development: the case of University of Nairobi Library, Kenya: Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.
Portelos-Rometo, Maria (2022). Preserving foods through dehydration. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 55--58). ALA Editions
Costello, Catherine (2023). Press release, Wicklow County Council: Inaugural Reading Goals Ambassador ceremony at Greystones Municipal District. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3(2), 25-26
Rezaeimanesh, F.; Haji Zeanolabedini, M.; Asnafi, A. (2021). Procrastination in evaluating academic libraries based on green library components and lead standards. Journal of Knowledge Studies, 14(54), 67-82

Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).

Veranstaltungen digital

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Dr. Petra Hauke

  • Lehrbeauftragte am IBI
  • Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
  • Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
  • Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit

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