Sahavirta, Harri (2022). Bringing environmental awareness of public libraries to the 2020s in Finland. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 24-25
Bringing environmental awareness of public libraries to the 2020s was a Finnish national project, which focused on the environmental awareness of libraries. The project was the largest research, education, and development project in the library sector on this subject so far and funded by the Ministry of Culture and Education. The project was led by Helsinki City Library but in addition 7 city libraires across the country participated. During the project, new information was obtained through a survey and carbon footprint measurements of libraries. Also, the project outlined what is meant by the carbon handprint of libraries and how libraries can meet the UN SDGs. In addition, three webinars on environmental issues were organized and Green Library pages and social media groups were established.
International Federation of Library Associations_and_Institutions (2017). Budo ikawe je oun ti o le mu ki eto idagbasoke o deba ile Agbaye.
The inclusion of libraries and access to information in national and regional development plans will contribute to meeting the global United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In support of this goal, IFLA has published a booklet ``Access and Opportunity for All: How Libraries contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda'' of examples and recommendations for policymakers demonstrating the contribution of libraries to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is a supporting two-page handout which can be used together with the booklet, or separately. (Document in Yoruba langauage)
Reynolds, Krista M. (2012). Building a green community at the Concordia University Library. In Antonelli, Monika; McCullough, Mark (Hrsg.), Greening libraries (S. 17-40). Library Juice Press
Brunvand; Amy; Regan, Alson; Lenart, Joshua; Breiman, Jessica; Bullough, Emily (2014). Building an academic library collection to support sustainability. In Jankowska, Maria A. (Hrsg.), Focus on Educating for Sustainability (S. 109-123). Library Juice Press
Chowdhury, Gobinda (2012). Building environmentally sustainable information services: A green is research agenda. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(4), 633-647. DOI: 10.1002/asi.21703
Osuchukwu, Ngozi Perpetua (2016). Building linkages with community groups for accessibility and sustainable development: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2016, Columbus, OH.
Many communities and their residents, especially in the rural areas still live in obscure environments where under service and exclusion prevent them from participating in decisions that concern their lives. These are citizens who have rights to functional existence, good governance and information literacy. The project of “Voice to the people” sampled 32 pilot communities in South East Nigeria for information awareness creation where voice was given to the poor and marginalized. The librarian in the beneficial organization with the Project Team executed baseline studies, identified the community stakeholders, leaders of all communities’ groups for engagement and sensitization. This Team became involved with communities’ events and programs, building their capacities in advocacies, charter of demands and work plans for invited spaces to participate and contribute in nation building. Spaces were created for women inclusion, youths and people with disabilities (PWDs) in order to build strong sustainable communities. There were institutionalizations of Town Hall meetings, invited spaces for constituency dialogues with community representatives in village squares. Communities started driving their own developments, passing information across all groups and consulting the Project Team for knowledge resources and partnerships. This project started by dissipating the shrouded uncertainty with steady flow of information activities.
Barbakoff, Audry; Barbakoff, Brett (2012). Building on green: Sustainable thinking goes beyond green to unite library space and community. In Antonelli, Monika; McCullough, Mark (Hrsg.), Greening libraries (S. 225-240). Library Juice Press
Brodie, Maxine (2012). Building the sustainable library at Macquarie University. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 43(1), 4-16. DOI: 10.1080/00048623.2012.10722250
This article explores a number of current issues and challenges in sustainability, both of and in academic libraries of the future, using as a case study the new library opened at Macquarie University, Sydney in 2011. Issues covered include sustainable design and operation of library buildings, sustainability in relation to library collections, and the reframing of library organisational design and service provision for the future.
Bennett, Megan (2024). By the Numbers: Recycling. Libraries encourage creative reuse. American Libraries, 55(March 1)
This article lists statistics on libraries and recycling in the United States.
Bennett, Megan (2023). By the numbers: Gardening. Stats about libraries showcasing their green thumbs. American Libraries, 54(June 1)
This article lists statistics on libraries and gardens in the United States.
Marcotte, Alison (2020). By the numbers: Libraries and sustainability: Stats to mark 50 years of Earth Day. American Libraries, 51(March 2)
Earth Day will be observed April 22.
Müller, Christiane (2017). Bücher leihen, Ideen teilen - Bibliotheken in der Sharing Economy. Berlin: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen. ISBN: 9783945610336
Warum kaufen, wenn man auch leihen kann, was man nur selten benutzt? Diese Idee steckt hinter den vielen Sharing-Angeboten, die derzeit überall aus dem Boden sprießen. Ob Autos, Kleider, Bohrmaschinen oder Arbeitsräume – all das muss man heute nicht mehr selbst besitzen: zumindest in größeren Städten gibt es Unternehmen oder nachbarschaftliche Projekte, die eine Nutzung auf Zeit anbieten. Sie kopieren damit das uralte Geschäftsmodell von Bibliotheken, die seit jeher ihre Bestände so verwalten, dass deren gemeinsame Nutzung durch eine Vielzahl von Menschen möglich wird. Was verändert sich nun für Bibliotheken, wenn so viele Nachahmer auf der Bildfläche erscheinen? Braucht man sie noch – oder können die neuen Konkurrenten deren Aufgabe nicht schneller und besser erfüllen? Oder können sie ganz im Gegenteil von diesem Trend profitieren, weil das Teilen und Tauschen gerade „in“ ist? Dieses Buch geht solchen Fragen nach und bereitet das Thema Sharing Economy und die Auswirkungen auf das Bibliothekswesen grundlegend auf.
Keite, Uta; Banduch, Raffael (2013). Bücherhallen Hamburg im rechten Licht: Neue Beleuchtung in der Zentralbibliothek. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 345-364). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2314
Die Bücherhallen Hamburg liefern ein Beispiel, auf welche Weise Bibliotheken ‚grüner‘ gestaltet werden können. Die Optimierung der Beleuchtung spielte eine entscheidende Rolle im Rahmen der Umbaumaßnahmen, um das kürzlich bezogene Kontorhaus den Anforderungen der Zentralbibliothek anzupassen. In Zusammenarbeit mit einem erfahrenen Lichtplaner und dem Architekten wurde die Beleuchtung entsprechend der Nutzung und dem Zweck der unterschiedlichen Zonen umgestaltet. Die einzelnen Bibliothekszonen mit eingesetzten Lampen, Leuchten und deren technischen Details sowie die daraus resultierenden Energieeinsparpotenziale werden beschrieben. Die Kosten werden den künftigen Ersparnissen gegenübergestellt. Schließlich werden ein Ausblick und der Anreiz zur Optimierung der Beleuchtung hinsichtlich eines positiven Einflusses auf Kundenzufriedenheit, Energie- und Kostenersparnis in der eigenen Bibliothek gegeben. Bücherhallen Hamburg – as one example of sustainability in libraries – made their central library greener by improving the lighting. While refurbishing the building in order to make it meet the requirements of a contemporary public library, the lighting facilities have been upgraded appropriately for the different library zones in collaboration with a lighting designer and the architect. This paper describes each zone, the installed lights and technical details as well as the resulting energy and investment savings. Finally the author puts the issue of lighting in perspective and encourages the optimization of lighting in order to achieve a positive impact on energy and investment savings in one’s own library.
Miller, Rebecca T. (2016). Calling all change agents: Let's build a sustainability movement. Library Journal, 141(19), 8
The author encourages libraries in the U.S. to promote sustainable development. Topics discussed include the New York Library Association (NYLA) Sustainability Initiative, the actions taken by the NYLA to promote sustainable development, and the influence and relevance of libraries on community development.
Pun, Raymond; Bustos, Jessica; Gaw, Elizabeth-Agenes; Lopez, Alfredo; Moreno, Karla; Rivas, Edwin; Salinthone, Xayaphone (2018). Campus sustainability and information literacy for first year students: Preserving the university’s environment for the future. Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
What are universities doing today to preserve their environments for the future? How can the academic curriculum support campus sustainability efforts? How can librarians integrate information literacy in campus/STEM sustainability research? At Fresno State in California, incoming first year STEM students are part of a special research class designed to teach basic scientific research skills focusing on sustainability efforts. In addition, this research program is designed to recruit and retain first year STEM majors from women and underrepresented groups. This paper covers the academic librarian’s and six student teaching assistant’s experiences and examples of supporting campus sustainability research that utilizes information literacy skills. For the past three years, the academic librarian has been embedded in planning campus sustainability programs and research to support this effort. The paper provides a brief overview of the research questions and problems that students encountered from the levels of air pollution on campus to biodiversity in the campus gardens to food waste management. The paper will consider these questions, instruments, and the results to design their own campus/school sustainability program that integrates information literacy and research skills for their students and classes. The paper also shares the students’ perspectives and feedback on their experiences in learning and researching sustainability as a student and as an instructional student assistant at Fresno State.
Pun, Raymond (2017). Campus sustainability through information literacy: First-year STEM program students conduct research and make relevant recommendations at Fresno State. American Libraries, 48(September 12)
Supporting campus sustainability efforts through information literacy can be a fascinating experience for instruction librarians. For the past two years, I have been embedded in California State University, Fresno's First-Year STEM program, a grant-funded project aimed at supporting graduation initiatives and retaining underrepresented communities and women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Valls-Val, Karen; Bovea, María D. (2022). Carbon footprint assessment tool for universities: CO2UNV. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29(), 791-804. DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2021.11.020
Universities, as organisations engaged in education, research and community services, play an important role in promoting sustainability and should be an example of a sustainable organisation. The Carbon Footprint (CF) is a very useful decision-making tool that allows organisations to measure and communicate the effect of their activities on the environment. To do so, it is necessary to have tools capable of calculating, tracking and reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as guiding the actions for reducing and offsetting them. The aim of this article is to present a tool specifically designed to calculate the carbon footprint of universities, called CO2UNV. This tool is able to quantify the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions for scopes 1 (direct GHG emissions), 2 (electricity indirect GHG emissions) and 3 (other indirect GHG emissions), for a university as a whole and for the different buildings/units that it is made up of. It includes, by default, the typical emission sources of an education centre and their corresponding emission factors. However, it is totally adaptable to any other type of organisation thanks to the possibility of including new emission sources and of updating all the emission factors (by default and new). It is also capable of evaluating the evolution of the CF over time, and the CO2e offsets achieved by contributing to offset projects. The results report includes input data and the graphical representation of results. Finally, CO2UNV is applied to calculate and offset the CF of the Universitat Jaume I (Spain), and the study concludes with its validation according to applicability and accuracy criteria.
As countries talk about climate change and ways of addressing accelerating climate instability in Paris this fortnight, it is appropriate and not only that, necessary as well, to discuss the environmental impact and sustainability of local and international library conferences. While it is very nice to travel to events (and I've done this numerous times,…
Rockwell, Jenny; Selden, David (2019). Carbon offsets for sustainable travel, a SustainRT ALA 2019 program
Stadtbibliothek Aarau (2022). Carvelo2go
Möchten Sie ressourcenschonend schwere Sachen transportieren oder einen Familienausflug mit Ihren Kindern machen? Die Stadtbibliothek Aarau bietet die Ausleihe eines elektrischen Lastenfahrrades (Lastenvelo) für ein paar Stunden oder Tage an.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
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Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit