%0 Journal Article %1 Williams.2015 %A Williams, Beth Filar %A Charney, Madeleine %A Smith, Bonnie %D 2015 %J Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy %F greenbib %N 2 %P 57-69 %R 10.1080/15487733.2015.11908147 %T Growing our vision together: Forming a sustainability community within the American Library Association %V 11 %X As long-standing keepers of democracy and information stewardship, library professionals are a natural fit for advocating and promoting sustainability within their communities. From seed libraries to Occupy Wall Street libraries, their view of sustainability extends beyond environmental concerns to include community activism, economic development, and social equity. Empowering people, facilitating dialogue, and providing resources for a more resilient future are at the center of librarians’ vital and changing roles. These visionary professionals have powered librariep&Hܚ\][Y]\][ Y[Y[]X]]\ˈ܈Hۙ[YK]\\H\\]H\Z[X[]KY\Y[YH܈\[\XX\Xܘ][[۝X][Hٙ\[ۋ[ LY\ۙHYX\و\Y\X\[[[ۋH[Y\X[X\H\X][ۈ SJH\ݙYH]ܛ\ H\Z[X[]H[XH \Z[ K\\XH\ܚX\X\HY]\Z[\Z[ݙ\HYX\[Z[Y[[H]H][X[\\Y\ˈX\Yۜو\Z[8&\X\HX\\HH\[[۞HHܚ]X[YY܈H\Z[X[]K\[]Y[][]HوXXH  KH\XHH\Z[XY]H\][ۘ[ܛ\8&\[[[\H\H[[܈\[X[YH[Xܘ][ۈ ٝ[Y\X[YX[H][܈YH\X\][ۋ