Meschede, Christine; Henkel, Maria (2019). Library and information science and sustainable development: A structured literature review. Journal of Documentation, 75(6), 1356-1369. DOI: 10.1108/JD-02-2019-0021
Purpose: Awareness on and importance of sustainability in all aspects of our lives is becoming more and more important. The question arises, how -- not if -- scientists can contribute to a sustainable development. As information plays an important role for development, information scientists should be included in this debate. However, is there a sustainable information science or an information science of sustainability? The purpose of this paper is to perform a mapping of publications in library and information science (LIS) directly dealing with sustainability and sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach: A structured literature review was conducted, enhanced by bibliometric analyses. For this purpose, 102 LIS journals and conferences were considered. The authors identified 81 publications dealing with sustainability and sustainable development and analyzed the concrete contents and methodological approaches of these. Findings: A large proportion of articles could be found dealing with sustainable development and libraries. Other publications focus on information and communication technology or information systems. Only few articles deal with further topics like government, urban development or scientific output. Research limitations/implications: Sustainability and sustainable development are complex topics. This work only considers literature whose title or keywords contain the string sustainab*. Originality/value: The presented work helps to get an overview on sustainability research and activities in the LIS field and additionally, potential research gaps may be identified. The authors call for more research in this area and concrete ideas to help develop a sustainable future.
Purnik, Anton; Vasileva, Ekaterina (2018). Library as a “Point of Grow” in sustainable development society. Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This paper emphasize the role of public libraries in sustainable development and extensive partnership on the example of an environmental project, which involved more than 1,500 participants across Russia. Citing two out of 17 main goals declared in the United Nations document “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” the authors believe that achieving of these goals will require creation of new technologies -informational and social – and the new forms of cooperation. The authors describe how the Russian State Library for Young Adults in Moscow with two other partners prepared and held the nation-wide event entitled The Day of Environmental Knowledge. It took place on April 15, 2017, in the year, which was declared in Russia as the Year of the Environment. They outline all stages of the project starting from inviting the potential participants, processing the applications, inviting press, and describing the events at the places to the follow-up events and its impact on cooperation between the libraries-participants and local communities. The authors believe that modern libraries have the authority and means to promote textquotedblpeaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable developmenttextquotedbl.
Khan, Jennifer (2015). Library at the dock. Büchereiperspektiven, 2, 24-25
Das Hafenviertel Docklands ist Melbournes jüngster Stadtteil, der rasch wächst und sich zu einer wichtigen wirtschaftlichen Drehscheibe entwickelt hat. Die „Library at The Dock“, die Bibliothek am Hafen, ist eines der neuesten und ambitioniertesten Infrastrukturprojekte in Melbourne.
Kang, Qi (2018). Library directors’ concerns and attitudes towards going green and sustainability in China: An unexplored area. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 43(5), e1-17. DOI: 10.1177/0961000618818874
Environmental issues are one of today’s growing concerns. Numerous associations, organizations and individuals are waging an active world preservation campaign. The purpose of this pilot study is to examine an important aspect of library directors’ attitudes towards environmental protection and the level of their concerns and green practices regarding sustainable development that has generally been overlooked in the literature. Multiple means of data collection (interviews, observation and document analysis) involving 14 libraries in China were conducted between March and May 2015; seven main thematic areas emerged from the data, such as: levels of awareness and commitment to sustainability issues in Chinese libraries are relatively low, and the current efficiency of facilities and operations have been seriously wasted. These findings indicate that the main priority of the library has been to attain economic and social development rather than environmental sustainability, while ignoring the energy costs and serious waste to some extent in the rapid development process of the Chinese library. The author notes just from observation of daily practices that there is definitely room for improvement to minimize the negative impact of their activities on the environment. This paper discusses for the first time the library directors’ concerns and attitudes towards “going green” and sustainability. The ideas are expected to inform and improve library directors’ environmental consciousness and sustainable practices, as well as open new vistas for research into the economic, social and environmental sustainability of library information services. How to achieve the social, economic and environmental requirements of present and future generations from libraries, especially library environmental sustainability is discussed intensively.
Schramm, Jonas; Wagner, Janet (2022). Library garden, planting and a 'green welcome' for our new apprentices. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 16-18
This spring a group of committed people (library workers from ``GreenFUBib'', scientists, students) wanted to introduce the ``Blühender Campus'' (``blooming campus'') project to the surroundings of our library. In Berlin we currently have huge drought problems, trees die and soils get wasted. So we asked our faculty council and spoke to everyone we could find, and finally, we're now able to promote biodiversity. How do we do that? We plant shrubs and trees, and we hope nobody mows any more like they did the past, creating dust, churning up stones and causing plants to stop growing.
Stephens, Chuck; Boer, Jeroen de; Willingham, Steve (2018). Library makerspaces: The complete guide. Lanham and Boulder and New York and London: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN: 9781442277403
The Complete Guide is a road map for libraries of any size, with any budget, seeking to redesign or repurpose space or develop maker style programming. This book covers developing makerspaces, writing grant proposals, and helping staff and administrators learn about the technologies and processes involved.
Lazda, Aldis (2020). Library of Things (lietu bibliotēka) - kopīga mācīšanās veidot ilgtspējīgu patēriņu
Erasmus+ projekts “Library of Things” sniedz iespēju četrām jau pastāvošajām lietu bibliotēkām (Bratislavā, Briselē, Ļubļanā un Vīnē) un dibināšanas procesā esošajai lietu bibliotēkai Trnavā veicināt starptautisko sadarbību un pieredzes apmaiņu Eiropā. Pirmais Eiropas projekts, kurā kopā strādā aizņemšanās veikali, sākās 2019. gada rudenī un ilgs līdz 2021. gada vasarai.
EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (2020). Library of Things - Learning about sustainable consumption together
The Erasmus+ project `Library of Things' is providing the opportunity for four existing LoTs (in Bratislava, Brussels, Ljubljana, and Vienna) and one LoT that is currently being established in Trnava to advance the networking and exchange of experiences between LoTs in Europe. The first European project in which borrowing centres are working together began in the autumn of 2019 and will now last until the summer of 2021 due to adjustments that had to be made because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa (2020). Library of Things - Nachhaltigen Konsum gemeinschaftlich (er)lernen
Im Erasmus+ Projekt "Library of Things'' entsteht unter insgesamt vier bestehenden LoTs (Bratislava, Brüssel, Ljubljana, Wien) und einem in Entstehung befindlichen LoT in Trnava die Möglichkeit, die internationale Vernetzung und den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen LoTs in Europa voranzutreiben. Das erste europäische Projekt, in dem Leihläden zusammenarbeiten, hat im Herbst 2019 begonnen und dauert nun, Adaptierungen wegen der Pandemie geschuldet, bis Sommer 2021 an.
Wolfgram, Derek (2022). Library rooftop bees and pollinator education. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 125-129). ALA Editions
The Redwood City (CA) Public Library's rooftop beehives have surprised and delighted customers and brought positive media attention to the library. Honey sales by the Friends of the Redwood City Public Library (RCPL) have offset most of the costs of - the program, while also creating a unique promotional item to get people excited about the library. The Honey Bee Interpretive Center inside the library and accompanying programs for all ages by a local beekeeper have increased community awareness about pollinators and their importance to the environment. Read on to see how you can create a similar ``buzz'' around your library.
Chace, Jameson F.; Wichowski, Dawn Emsellem (2014). Library showcase: Modeling sustainability across campus. In Jankowska, Maria A. (Hrsg.), Focus on Educating for Sustainability (S. 91-105). Library Juice Press
Inklebarger, Timothy (2016). Library to farm to table. American Libraries, 47(11/12), 18-19
The article reports the move by public libraries in the U.S. as of November 2016 to offer food production programs and advance the concept of sustainability and education. Also cited are the move by South Sioux City (Nebraska) Public Library director David Mixdorf to launch the library's first community garden, the city's Voices for Food program, and the Read and Feed Teaching and Demonstration Garden at Rancho Cordova library system in California.
Wagner, Janet (2022). Library trainees as future thinkers! Multi-day workshop on "Green Library" in Berlin. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 20
Premiere in Berlin: the public district libraries of Berlin Mitte and Berlin Pankow enabled their trainees to participate in a workshop on textquotedblGreen Librarytextquotedbl. Janet Wagner from the Green Library Network, herself a FaMI, trainer and current graduate of the master's program textquotedblEducation-Sustainability- Transformationtextquotedbl facilitated the workshop and set the thematic focus. The topics were: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), best practice examples in Berlin, and current Berlin position papers for education, library development and the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program (BEK 2030).
Lviv Regional Children's Library; Львівська обласна бібліотека для дітей (2020). Library's Garbage Hero educates children in eco-thinking and recycling: IFLA SDG Stories
According to the NGO Ukraine without Garbage, about 10 million tons of garbage are shipped to Ukrainian landfills annually. While 30-40% of this garbage is recyclable, only 4% of it is actually recycled.
University College Cork Library (2020). Library's campaign improves sustainability and decreases resource consumption: IFLA SDG Stories
In 2016, the University College Cork (UCC) Library launched its sustainability campaign, Love Our Library. As a result of actions taken in the campaign's first year, the Library saved over 155,000 KWH - a 9% reduction in energy use. This savings is enough to power a light bulb for 1,770 years or travel around the world 24 times in an electric car!
Zdravje, Ana (2021). Library, the heart of the city: The green library. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 1(1), 19-20
On Thursday, 20 May 2021, Ljubljana City Library hosted the sixth international one-day professional conference Library, the Heart of the City 2021, dedicated to green libraries. One of the branches of Ljubljana City Library is vSentvid Library, which has been renovated in 2014. It is located in a border area of the city, almost half of which is covered in green, forest surfaces. The main motto of the renovated library is: We live in harmony with nature. Through it we charted the concept of the green library.
Lawrence, Kate (2012). Library-sponsored sustainable living outreach in Denver. In Antonelli, Monika; McCullough, Mark (Hrsg.), Greening libraries (S. 119-126). Library Juice Press
Rogers, Katherine (2019). Little Free Libraries: 10th anniversary finds the movement 90,000 strong and growing. Catalyst Magazine, August 31
The non-profit Little Free Library (LFL) was started in 2009 by Todd Bol in Hudson, Wisconsin. Thinking of his mother, a bibliophilic teacher, he built a miniature one-room schoolhouse and put it on a post in his front yard. He filled the schoolhouse with books. Bol encouraged his friends and neighbors to take the books and leave any of their own, to share with others. The schoolhouse was a success and led to Bol building more to give to these friends and neighbors.
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2022). Living our values out loud | Sustainability. Library Journal, 147(Sep 21)
he New Canaan Library, CT, is leading the way to address human rights in the building product supply chain. The New Canaan Library, led by Executive Director Lisa Oldham, has prioritized contributing to that movement to eliminate forced labor in building materials supply chains. The library's leadership wanted to be sure that the library's core values were embedded into this project, particularly the triple bottom line definition of sustainability to balance environmental stewardship, economic feasibility, and social equity.
Tinarat, Sirirat (2013). Loads of scraps become precious raw materials: The Kasetsart University Eco-Library in Bangkok, a prototype for the next generation of sustainable buildings in Thailand. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 213-228). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2304
Being famous for Agricultural Science, Kasetsart University is commonly known as “Green Campus”. As a part of the long-term project “Kasetsart Loves the Environment”, the idea for founding an eco-library was introduced in 2010. Two years later, the first Eco-Library of Thailand was successfully completed thanks to teamwork from two departments: the office of the University Library, which wants to provide a learning area that is open to the general public, and the Scrap Lab of the Architecture Faculty, which mainly works on developing ecofriendly products. Further sponsors are local furniture manufacturers and other institutions who regularly deliver their offcuts to the Scrap Lab “Factory”. Here, loads of scraps become precious “raw materials”, challenging the instructors and students to spark their creativity for new product design. The number of visitors and on-going projects indicate that the Eco-Library is not a superficial idea that pops up, lasts for a while and then fades away. Rather, it is growing and supporting the main library, which is actively participating in the BEAT 2010 – Building Energy Award of Thailand. Both organizations are moving forward, following their green concepts to strengthen the policy of the university – environmentalism. Die Kasetsart Universität ist nicht nur wegen ihrer Agrarwissenschaften bekannt, sondern auch für ihren „Grünen Campus“. Als Teil des langfristig angelegten Projekts „Kasetsart Loves the Environment” wurden im Jahr 2010 die ersten Ideen zur Gründung einer Umweltbibliothek entwickelt. Zwei Jahre später wurde die erste Umweltbibliothek Thailands als Gemeinschaftsprojekt erfolgreich fertiggestellt. Beteiligt waren die Universitätsbibliothek, die einen Ort zum Lernen für die Allgemeinheit anbieten wollte, sowie das Scrap Lab der Fakultät für Architektur, das hauptsächlich daran arbeitet, umweltfreundliche Produkte zu entwickeln. Weitere Sponsoren und Förderer sind örtliche Möbelhersteller und andere Institutionen, die ihre Fabrikabfälle regelmäßig der Scrap Lab ‚Fabrik‘ abliefern. Die Abfälle und Altstoffe werden hier zu wertvollen Werkstoffen. Hier ist nun die Kreativität der Studenten und Dozenten gefragt, um daraus neue Produkte zu entwickeln. Die Menge der Besucher und laufenden Projekte zeigt, dass die Umweltbibliothek keine oberflächliche Idee ist, die auftaucht, eine Weile besteht und wieder in der Versenkung verschwindet. Ganz im Gegenteil. Die Umweltbibliothek wächst weiter und unterstützt die Hauptbibliothek, die aktiv am BEAT 2010 – Building Energy Award of Thailand teilgenommen hat. Beide Bibliotheken streben weiter voran und verfolgen ihre grünen Konzepte, um die Strategie der Universität – den Umweltschutz – zu stärken.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
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Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit