Bibliografie Grüne Bibliothek

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Michnik, Katarina (2015). Public libraries digital services and sustainability issues. The Bottom Line, 28(1/2), 34-43. DOI: 10.1108/BL-12-2014-0034
Miller, Kathryn (2010). Public libraries going green. Chicago: ALA Editions. ISBN: 9780838910184
Dunford, Helen (2010). Public libraries going green: by Kathryn Miller: Book review. The Australian Library Journal, 59(4), 245. DOI: 10.1080/00049670.2010.10736044
Gaspar Pinto, Leonor; Ochôa, Paula (2018). Public libraries' contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: Gathering evidence and evaluating practices in Portugal. In Hauke, Petra; Charney, Madeleine; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Going green: implementing sustainable strategies in libraries around the world (S. 46-59). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.1515/9783110608878-006
Gaspar Pinto, Leonor; Ochôa, Paula (2017). Public libraries' contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: Gathering evidences and evaluating practices: Paper presented at the 83rd IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Wroclaw, Poland.
Kleemola, Hanna (2019). Public libraries, literary art activities and social inclusion: Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece.
Jordan, M. W. (2013). Public library gardens: Playing a role in ecologically sustainable communities. In Dudley, Michael (Hrsg.), Public libraries and resilient cities (S. 101-110). American Library Association
Nwofor, Florence Amaka; Udeze, Nkechi Sabina; Chikaodi, Hope Chinyere Ilorah (2019). Public library transforming communities: Innovative projects through partnerships for sustainable developments: Poster presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece.
Peet, Lisa; Schwartz, Meredith (2019). Public properties | LJ's 2019 Design Institutes, Colorado Springs and Austin. Library Journal, 144(Dec 24)
IFLA Section Environment, Sustainability_and_Libraries (2022). Qu'est-ce qu'une bibliothèque «verte et durable»?.
Biblioblog; Freie Universität Berlin (2019). Radfahren in der Bibliothek
Hrvatsko Knjižničarsko Društvo (HKD) (2021). Radna grupa za zelene knjivznice
Stricker, Michele P. (2022). Rapid library disaster response and recovery for community resilience. In Tanner, René; Ho, Adrian K.; Antonelli, Monika; Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (Hrsg.), Libraries and sustainability: Programs and practices for community impact (S. 17-25). ALA Editions
Sudarević, Ana (2022). Reading list for children and young adults for promoting sustainable development. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 12-13
Lawton, Mark (2020). Ready for action: As cities undertake climate action plans, libraries emerge as partners. American Libraries, 51(September 1)
Brunvand, Amy (2019). Reasons to love your library: Think of them as ``resilience centers''. Catalyst Magazine, March 1
Smallwood, Carol (1995). Recycling tips for teachers and librarians. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland. ISBN: 978-0786400096
Gager, Emmerich (2015). Recycling von Büchern: Die Bibliothek Lockenhaus weiß auch ältere Bücher zu verwerten. Büchereiperspektiven, 2, 15
Wagner, Janet (2022). Reducing paper consumption with ``Scan First''. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 17-18
Quental, Nuno; Lourenço, Júlia M. (2012). References, authors, journals and scientific disciplines underlying the sustainable development literature: A citation analysis. Scientometrics, 90(2), 361-381. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0533-4

Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).

Veranstaltungen digital

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Dr. Petra Hauke

  • Lehrbeauftragte am IBI
  • Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
  • Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
  • Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit

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