Bibliografie Grüne Bibliothek

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Sahavirta, Harri (2012). Sustainable development in libraries through the survey. In Sonkkanen, Leila; Asikainen, Minna; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Green@library (S. 29-30).
Elaturoti, Abiola Bukola (2018). Sustainable development: The role of school libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, , 2196
Meszaros, Evan; Goodsett, Mandi (2022). Sustainable event planning for libraries and library organizations. In Tanner, René; Ho, Adrian K.; Antonelli, Monika; Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (Hrsg.), Libraries and sustainability: Programs and practices for community impact (S. 63-71). ALA Editions
Nolin, Jan (2010). Sustainable information and information science. Information Research, 15(2), 1-17
Fedorowicz-Kruszewska, Malgorzata (2019). Sustainable libraries - fashion or necessity?. JLIS.It, , 92-101. DOI: 10.4403/
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2024). Sustainable libraries in 2035: Refuge. Resistance. Resilience. Regeneration. In Hirsh, Sandra (Hrsg.), Library 2035 (S. 21-27). Rowman & Littlefield
Karioja, Elina; Niemitalo, Jorma (2013). Sustainable libraries: A pilot survey of international delegates attending the IFLA World Library and Information Conference 2012 and comparison with the Finnish national survey. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 137–150). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2299
Afacan, Yasemin (2017). Sustainable library buildings: Green design needs and interior architecture students' ideas for special collection rooms. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(5), 375-383. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2017.07.002
Alberts, Samantha Jane (2012). Sustainable library design: A case study of library construction on the East end of Long Island, N.Y. from 2007 to 2009. In Antonelli, Monika; McCullough, Mark (Hrsg.), Greening libraries (S. 55-65). Library Juice Press
Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (2012). Sustainable library development: Training package.
Ghorbani, Mahboubeh; Babalhavaeji, Fahimeh; Nooshinfard, Fatemeh (2016). Sustainable management requirements in libraries of Iran: A framework on grounded theory. Libri: International Journal of Libraries & Information Services, 66(3), 213-222. DOI: 10.1515/libri-2016-0022
Manna, Dibyendu; Chakraborty, Susmita (2019). Sustainable strategies for making green image in University Libraries in Seven-Sister States, India: A study: Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece.
Singh, M. P.; Dixit, Shraddha (2021). Sustainable strategies towards green libraries: A study of State University Libraries of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Library Philosophy and Practice, 4968
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2018). Sustainable thinking: Ensuring your library's future in an uncertain world. Chicago: American Library Association. ISBN: 9780838916889
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah; Benton, Susan; Schaper, Louise; Scherer, Jeffrey A. (2013). Sustainable thinking: Passageway to better buildings, budgets and beyond. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 15-38). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2293
ALA Sustainability Round Table (2024). Sustainably Themed Children's Books
Brungard, Allison; Bartek, Jennifer (2020). Sustaining sustainability: How our university library infused green practices on campus. American Libraries, 51(May 18)
Bair, Jamie (2021). Sustaining the Library Makerspace. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), Makerspaces in practice (S. 19-28). ALA Editions
Küçükcan, Berrin (2016). Sürdürülebilir Mimarlık Yaklaşımıyla Kütüphane Binaları: In ÜNAK'15 Sempozyumu, 1-3 Ekim 2015, Ankara, Ankara (TURKEY), 1-3 Ekim 2015.
Scholing, Peter; Britten, Astrid (2017). Tablet cafés, code hours, preservation, and sustainability in libraries: The Aruba National Library and the UN Agenda 2030; A small island case study from the Caribbean. Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2017, Wrocław, Poland.

Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).

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Dr. Petra Hauke

  • Lehrbeauftragte am IBI
  • Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
  • Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
  • Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit

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