Schulze, Britta (2022). Sie retten Lebensmittel: Foodsaver zu Besuch in der Stadtbibliothek
Im Rahmen der deutschen Nachhaltigkeitstage präsentierten sich Wolfsburger Foodaver in der Wolfsburger Stadtbibliothek -- und hatten jede Menge geretteter Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen dabei.
Furbee, Bill (2023). Sit and surf: High-tech benches bridge digital divide. American Libraries, 54(May 1)
On a bright, sunny day in Norman, Oklahoma, patrons of Pioneer Library System (PLS) are browsing available titles, messaging friends and family, and powering up personal devices. The twist? Those patrons are doing this all outside while sitting at benches placed throughout the community---sometimes mere steps away from their own homes. PLS is one of a growing number of libraries nationwide to install high-tech, solar-powered benches that offer more than just a place to rest; they also provide free Wi-Fi and charging stations. In this case, benches also advertise library resources via QR codes, which direct users to a digital collection of popular ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and other media available on the Libby app.
Kerico, Juliet; Munro, Karen (2009). Six steps to greening your ACRL 14th National Conference experience. College & Research Libraries News, 70(2), 100-101. DOI: 10.5860/crln.70.2.8127
The article provides methods on how to promote sustainable practices at the ACRL 14th National Conference. It includes practicing the Green Pledge which calls for sustainability such as recycling paper handouts and the conference badge holder. Green giveaways such as a bag made of 51% recycled fabric and a corn plastic mug will also encourage participants to practice green initiatives.
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2012). Small library, big impact. Library Journal, Library by Design, Fall 2012, 10-11
This article discusses the design of the Valatie Free Library in rural New York, which incorporates alternative energy sources to allow the library to achieve net-zero energy status. Topics include the involvement of architect David Bienn, the library's feature at the Rio+20 United Nations (UN) Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2012, and the incorporation of design materials utilized in the rebuilding of New Orleans, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina.
Bürki, Reine (2022). Social and environmental responsibility: What skills for library professionals? (France). IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 14
Enssib is the French National Library and Information Sciences School. Based in Lyon, it trains current and future library managers, through initial and lifelong learning, and delivers university degrees in library and information sciences. On May 12, 2022, Enssib organized ``Le Printemps des métiers'', a new annual event covering the evolution of professions and skills. This 2022 edition was devoted to the skills induced by the challenges of sustainable development and social responsibility in libraries.
Wong, Patricia M. (2021). Solidarity on sustainability: The climate crisis requires we act and adapt now to avoid disaster. American Libraries, 52(November 1)
A major new scientific report concluded that when it comes to global warming, it may be too late to change course. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of scientists convened by the United Nations, issued an assessment so stark, the UN secretary-general called its findings a ``code red for humanity.'' ibraries have important roles to play in preparing our communities for the impact of climate change, and we must pledge to center sustainability in our operational practices.
Bilotta, Anna (2022). Sostenibilità: quali opportunità per la valutazione delle biblioteche. Biblioteche Oggi, 40(6), 9-18. DOI: 10.3302/0392-8586-202206-009-1
The paper starts with a brief historical overview of measurement and assessment activities that characterized Italian libraries in the last thirty years, to understand if these are still effectively sustainable. In particular, the paper focuses on terms ``assessment'' and ``sustainability'', analyzing their relationships (and linguistic implications) in terms of ``assessment of sustainability'' and ``sustainability of assessment''. An important question closes the reflection: can sustainability become a new paradigm and a strategic opportunity for Italian libraries and librarianship, also in terms of assessment, in today's information society?
Siyao, Peter Onauphoo; Sife, Alfred Said (2021). Sources of climate change information used by newspaper journalists in Tanzania. IFLA Journal, 47(1), 5-19. DOI: 10.1177/0340035220985163
This article assesses the information sources used by Tanzanian newspaper journalists to collect climate change information. The main sources of climate change information consulted by newspaper journalists in Tanzania are climate change experts and daily events, such as community meetings and other relevant social gatherings. These sources are interactive -- enabling journalists to obtain climate change information -- and easily accessible, and use and provide instant responses. It was also found that deficient use of other potential sources of information, such as libraries, printed materials and Internet websites, coupled with overarching challenges that limit newspaper journalists from seeking, covering and reporting information on climate change, may affect the quality and quantity of climate change information published in Tanzanian newspapers. All the stakeholders involved in the fight against climate change and journalism colleges should collaborate and devise strategies aimed at building the capacity of newspaper journalists, editors and reporters in their daily activities.
Breidlid, Jacqueline (2022). Spotlight on Green Library education in Germany. Libraries and Sustainability online-seminar series: German Libraries Association (dbv). IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 19
On 30 March 2022 the dbv started a series of online lectures on ``libraries and sustainability''. The lectures take place approximately every two months in the year 2022 and will focus on the following three topics: • Environmental sustainability in libraries • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through libraries • Sustainability in (cultural) politics.
Fridrich, Monika (2021). Stadtbücherei Tübingen - das Konzept "Grüne Bibliothek". Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 45(3), 455-466. DOI: 10.1515/bfp-2021-0067
Zusammenfassung: Die Stadtbücherei Tübingen bietet als Ort der Integration, Inklusion und Diversität freien Zugang zu Wissen und Information. Als Akteur im Bereich Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung vermittelt sie Kompetenz und Bewusstsein für ökologische und globale Themen. Ihre eigenen Arbeitsabläufe gestaltet sie so nachhaltig wie möglich. Damit folgt sie sowohl den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der UN Agenda 2030 als auch den Zielen des Klimaschutzprogramms der Stadt Tübingen. Abstract: Being a place of integration, inclusion, and diversity, the Tübingen Public Library offers free access to knowledge and information. As a contributor to education for sustainable development it provides competence and awareness in ecological and global issues. It organises its own work processes to be as sustainable as possible. Thereby, it follows the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 as well as the goals of the climate protection programme of the city of Tübingen.
Sonkkanen, Leila (2012). State of ecological sustainability in libraries. In Sonkkanen, Leila; Asikainen, Minna; Sahavirta, Harri (Hrsg.), Green@library (S. 4-9).
Cuesta, David Mercadal (2023). Step by step: small tasks to contribute to the SGDs in the CIEDA Library. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3(2), 19-20
The Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental (CIEDA-CIEMAT) is a research centre for Environmental Law, part of the Research Centre in Energy, Environment, and Technology (CIEMAT). It is situated in Soria (Castille and Leon, Spain), known for its' beautiful natural landscapes, but also one of the most sparsely populated regions, making this centre vital for rural areas communities.
Pötsönen, Ulla; Sonkkanen, Leila; Sahavirta, Harri (2020). Steppingstones to more sustainable public libraries in Finland. International Journal of Librarianship, 5(2), 73-78. DOI: 10.23974/ijol.2020.vol5.2.179
Public libraries in Finland have a strong history of cooperating and networking. Implementing SDGs and steering the action toward sustainability, however, has been so far carried out mainly out by individual libraries. A larger consensus or common guidelines are still missing, be it designing a new building, customer design thinking or rearranging internal workflows. This is to be changed, hopefully serving as an example to readers´ communities. The report presented current cases and current best practices on initiatives and concentrated on finding a broader common ground on sustainability work. Helsinki City Library will act as a nationwide accelerator and common voice promoting the step marks toward greener libraries. A nationwide expert network and community of practice is to be established as well. As one example of the development, the tight cooperation between public libraries and basic education in Finnish society will be discussed. For historical reasons public libraries operate to a large extent as school libraries, so the task of supporting curriculum on sustainability topics is a major task for public libraries as well. What does the future of this collaboration and its possibilities look like?
Antolino, Lauren; Lieberman, Marissa; Paillard-Baumann, Veronique (2022). Steps to sustainable grab & go kits. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 77-80). ALA Editions
Grab & go kits (or ``grab-and-go bags'') have become increasingly popular since the start of the pandemic, when patrons could not come into the library building, and they have continued in popularity even when library doors have opened again because of the convenience and innovation each new kit provides. Many libraries are still providing grab & go kits on a regular basis for different age groups, and staff have to consider not only the grab & go project itself, but also the materials being provided and the overall packaging. After reading this chapter, you will learn how to incorporate more sustainable products and concepts in grab & go kits, as well as how to make a wallpaper gift bag kit for adults.
Brandt, Susanne (2022). Stimmen zum Klima: Digital-analoges Ausstellungskonzept der Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein mit Kooperationspartnern. BuB, Forum Bibliothek und Information, 74(4), 182-183
Mit den »Erzählwegen« hat die Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein in der Corona-Zeit ein flexibles Ausstellungsformat entwickelt, das eine Auseinandersetzung mit wechselnden Themen in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Kooperationspartnern erlaubt. Dass dabei auch das Thema »Klima« für viele ganz obenan steht, ist nicht überraschend: Seit Herbst 2020 werden in Schleswig-Holstein regelmäßig am »Runden Tisch Grüne Bibliotheken« Fragen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung diskutiert und neue Vorhaben dazu gemeinsam auf den Weg gebracht. Das Portal »Zukunftsbibliotheken-sh« bündelt die Ideen und Pläne aus diesem Netzwerk für die Teilnehmenden wie auch für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit.
Tengku Izhar, Tengku Adil; Mohd Shoid, Mohd Shamsul; Baharuddin, Mohammad Fazli; Mazlan, Mazwani Ayu (2019). Stimulating the adaption of social media application for the implementation of green library technology for environmental sustainability: Aspects and factors. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 11(04-Special Issue), 1788-1794
This paper is conducted to analyze the factors and aspects of green library technology for environmental sustainability. In this paper, we focus the implementation of green library for environment sustainability by looking at the factors and aspects to implement green technology in library. In order to achieve this aim, we identify the attribute from the previous literature that will lead the future development of framework, which can be applied in library. The significant of this research will ensure the implementation of green library to improve environmental sustainability whether it is explicitly stated or not to improve the condition of community.
Kroski, Ellyssa (2022). Straw bale gardening. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 27-33). ALA Editions
Straw bale gardening is a simple and inexpensive way to grow all manner of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and even fruit. Like container gardening, the bales of straw require little space and can be placed just about anywhere. These versatile raised garden bedscan be configured in a variety of layouts and designs and offer a perfect foundation for trellises and vertical gardening. In addition to providing a medium free from ground-dwelling pests, soil-related diseases, and most weeds, straw bales provide an elevated base, making this type of gardening appealing to growers of all ages and ranges of mobility.
Sparks, Kellie (2017). Strengthening the voice for sustainability: How academic librarians can share resources with stakeholders. American Libraries, 48(May 31)
Academic librarians have a notable opportunity to take the lead in ensuring reliable information enters the hands of community members, including leaders and activists. One area for improvement is the topic of sustainability---an issue not just for those interested or working in the sciences, but one for every living, breathing being.
Ambriz, Lorely (2020). Stronger together: Libraries focus on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
As I’ve spent more time working with OCLC’s Global and Regional Councils, I’ve come to an agreeable realization that’s maybe a bit of a paradox. The wider our professional networks become, the more likely we’ll find faraway colleagues whose local solutions fit our situations. Sometimes the best answers don’t come from next door, but from across the globe.
Marynych, Tetiana (2018). Sumy State University Library: Green Library project.
Urbanization, consumer boom and speed up of the daily human activities have caused accumulation of a large amount of garbage in the world. Many countries have already launched the innovative policies and initiatives to make their cities and communities sustainable. Ukraine is only at the start of this process. Thus, the construction of waste infrastructure and switch to eco green thinking, responsible consumption and recycling are of great importance. The launch of the Green Library Project was intended to promote sustainable way of living among the university and Sumy region communities through open access information materials and live example in academic integrity, waste sorting and recycling. At the start of the campaign Sumy State University Library demonstrated its open active position organizing and participating at the local ecological projects.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
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