Bibliografie Grüne Bibliothek

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Graham-Clare, Laura (2022). Supporting sustainability: What can librarians do?
Ma, Leo F.H.; Ko, Lily Y. (2022). Supporting the sustainable development goals: The role of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48(4), 102562. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102562
YT, Liao; SG, Chern (2016). Survey on the use of green concepts in building the Green Library in Beitou: An analysis of the Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 5(1). DOI: 10.4172/2167-0269.1000192
Keller, Alice (2023). Sustainability 3.0 in libraries: A challenge for management. Publications, 11(1)
NYLA New York Library Association (2020). Sustainability Initiative: Sustainable, resilient, regenerative: A Strategy for the future of New York's libraries
ALA American Library Association (2019). Sustainability Round Table
Romero, Sally (2020). Sustainability and academic libraries: Meeting the mission with speakers, clothing swaps, and green supplies. American Libraries, 51(April 22)
ALA American Library Assocoation (2022). Sustainability and libraries: ALA and Sustainability
Kuunifaa, Cletus D. (2021). Sustainability and reusing buildings for libraries: A review of selected documents. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Niess, Robert (Hrsg.), New libraries in old buildings (S. 357-369). De Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110679663-024
Moreno, Rosario Toril (2022). Sustainability and the environment at the XXIII Conference on Information Management (Spain). IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(1), 17-18
Msimango, Sibongile Oageng (2023). Sustainability as a social practice: Green Libraries Project. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3(2), 14-15
Breidlid, Jacqueline (2022). Sustainability as a tool for political advocacy in libraries: Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2022, Satellite Meeting, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Smith Aldrich, Rebekkah (2020). Sustainability at a social distance during COVID-19 pandemic. Library Journal, 145(Apr 01)
Sustainability Round Table (2021). Sustainability book review: A blog about libraries fostering resilient communities
Jankowska, Maria Anna; Marcum, James W. (2010). Sustainability challenge for academic libraries: Planning for the future. College & Research Libraries, 71(2), 160-170. DOI: 10.5860/0710160
Sonkkanen, Leila (2013). Sustainability hides in libraries: The state of ecological sustainability in libraries. In Hauke, Petra; Latimer, Karen; Werner, Klaus Ulrich (Hrsg.), The Green Library - Die grüne Bibliothek (S. 123-136). De Gruyter Saur. DOI: 10.18452/2298
Holmquist, Jan (2021). Sustainability in Danish Public Libraries: How do the Sustainable Development Goals inspire their work?. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 45(3), 472-476. DOI: 10.1515/bfp-2021-0068
Bisgaard, Tanja R. (2022). Sustainability in fiction for children and young adults. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 2(2), 13-14
ALA Council Committee on Sustainability (2022). Sustainability in libraries: A call to action.
Karioja, Elina (2013). Sustainability in libraries: A comparative study of ecological sustainability in IFLA WLIC 2012. Bachelor´s thesis.

Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).

Veranstaltungen digital

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Dr. Petra Hauke

  • Lehrbeauftragte am IBI
  • Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
  • Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
  • Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit

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