Schumann, Tim (2021). Wieviel CO2 erzeugt eine Stadtbibliothek?. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 45(3), 440-449. DOI: 10.1515/bfp-2021-0075
Zusammenfassung: Der Bericht beschreibt, wie die Stadtbibliothek Pankow, im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, den eigenen CO2-Abdruck für die Jahre 2018 und 2019 ermittelte. Die Stadtbibliothek konnte errechnen, in welchen Bereichen sie die meisten CO2-Gase produziert, welche „blinden Flecken“ noch offen blieben und welche Handlungsoptionen sich ergeben, klimafreundlicher zu agieren. Zudem konnten erste Erfahrungen gemacht werden, auf welchen Gebieten Widerstände und Schwierigkeiten bei der Ermittlung der eigenen CO2-Bilanz entstehen. Abstract: This report gives information about the Berlin-Pankow Public Library and the calculation of its Carbon footprint for the years 2018 and 2019. As part of a pilot project of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the library find out where it produces the most CO2, where there has been „blind spots“ before and which options occurred to reduce its footprint. Additionally to this, the Library made first experiences about resistance and difficulties according to the calculation of the footprint.
Manley, Will (2013). Will's world. Warming up to end times: What the coming apocalypse means for libraries. American Libraries, 44(11/12), 56
The author discusses the impact that global warming and climate change is having on libraries. He offers suggestions for libraries, including providing access to global warming research through public programming, making library buildings less reliant on fossil fuels, and printing resources on apocalyptic survival skills. The author also looks at the American Library Association (ALA) contributions to environmental awareness.
Li, Jiwei; Guan, Qiong; Yang, Hui (2018). Winter energy consumption in reading space of green library in cold regions. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 36(4), 1256-1261. DOI: 10.18280/ijht.360413
Croatian Library Association (2021). Working Group for Green Libraries
Working Group for Green Libraries was established in Split in 2014 with the aim of establishing a network of libraries according to the existing form of the "Green Library Project" of the Association of Istria librarians, which exists since 2011 (, with purpose to take part in education of general public and raise awareness about importance of sustainable society as well as to advocate for environmental protection through libraries and library associations. In addition to this segment, the working group is dealing with issues of energy efficiency in libraries.
Amrhein, Anne (2021). Working toward a sustainable world: United Nations book club inspires students to make a difference. American Libraries, 52(January 4)
In 2019, Batesville (Ind.) Intermediate School began a book club using selections inspired by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the organization's blueprint for addressing global challenges like poverty and climate change by 2030. Batesville's students use lessons they glean from the club to engage with their community and the world, earning the school the American Library Association's 2020 Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Excellence in Humanities Programming.
Association & Conference Management Group K.I.T. (2018). Writing a better future: How the World Library and Information Congress embraced sustainability.
IFLA Section Environment, Sustainability_and_Libraries (2022). Yeşil Kütüphane Nedir?.
Çevre insanların, kuruluşların, hayvanların veya bitkilerin içinde yaşadığı ve faaliyet gösterdiği ortam veya koşullar anlamına gelir. Çevre doğal, sosyal veya kültürel olabilir. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma, “gelecek nesillerin kendi ihtiyaçlarını karşılama yeteneklerinden ödün vermeden günümüzün ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan kalkınma" olarak tanımlanmaktadır (Our Common Future, Brundtland Raporu,BM). Mevcut çevre şartları iklim değişikliği ve sosyal eşitsizlikler gibi çeşitli tehditler nedeniyle tehlike altındadır. Tüm kuruluşlar sürdürülebilir kalkınma yoluyla çevreyi korumak için çaba göstermelidir. Bu durum sürdürülebilir kalkınmada aktif ve önemli bir rol oynayabilecek her türlü kütüphaneyi içerir. Yeşil ve sürdürülebilir bir kütüphane, çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sürdürülebilirliği dikkate alan bir kütüphanedir.
Avila, Sandra; Wray, Christina C.; Haught, Megan (2020). You belong here: Bringing students and local habitats together. American Libraries, 51(May 13)
To mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day---and recognize the American Library Association adding sustainability as a core value---American Libraries returns with its ongoing sustainability series. In these posts, information professionals share their experiences with sustainability in libraries. In spring 2018, University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries staff members were exploring ways to expand programming beyond the classroom. Earth Day gave us the perfect opportunity to devise a program that promoted campus sustainability practices and expanded our network of partners.
Poggiali, Jennifer (2015). You're no fun anymore: The ethics of acquiring electronic devices in light of e-waste, sweatshops, and globalization: Paper presented at ACRL 2015, Portland, Oregon.
Jancz-Urban, Velya; Urban, Ehris (2022). You're sup-herb! An introduction to herbal medicine. In Kroski, Ellyssa (Hrsg.), 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries (S. 63-68). ALA Editions
In this program participants will learn how to benefit their health by making two herbal remedies: a ``knock your socks off'' herbal heating pad and an ``evening repose'' herbal infusion. interested in herbal medicine, but they're overwhelmed with how to Many people arestart, and they think they're going to harm themselves and their families without guidance. They stare longingly at the bulk herb bins in health food stores, but because the bins only list the SKU, price per pound, and the herb's Latin name, it's hard to know how much of the herb to buy and what to do with it. This program's hands-on approach aims to increase participants' confidence in, and knowledge of, the use of herbs for healing. Through this program, participants will begin to celebrate and deepen their connection with medicinal herbs, learn how to support their health by making their own natural remedies, and whet their appetites for further holistic exploration.
Dragaš, Božica (2017). Zelene knjižnice za zelenu pismenost: Hrvatsko iskustvo. Green libraries for green literacy: Croatian experience. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 60(4), 221-241. DOI: 10.30754/vbh.60.4.530
Purpose. The paper deals with the Croatian ``Green libraries'', discussing the meaning of the library programs and services focused on educating users about sustainable development of society and importance of environmental protection as well as learning life-improving skills that affect not only individuals but the whole society. The goal of the article is to offer an insight into the range of ideas and possibilities that Croatian libraries have accomplished so far in their efforts to effectively connect librarianship and ecology. Methodology. The examples are presented chronologically beginning with the year 2011, when the Association of Istria Librarians started the ``Green library'' project, within which many green library programs were initiated and have been carried out ever since in different types of libraries throughout Croatia. The discussed examples of green libraries were selected by certain criteria: they were presented at professional conferences, described in published articles, or there were information about them on the libraries' web pages. Findings. The accomplishments of the Croatian ``Green libraries'' prove that libraries conduct a wide array of activities as part of the program. The cooperation between libraries and different institutions, associations, and individuals that deal with sustainable development, fauna and fl ora preservation, and environmental protection is particularly important. Many of these programs have been initiated through s direct cooperation between libraries and local communities, proving the importance of recognizing and taking into account library users' demands. Social implications. In its ``Statement on Libraries and Development'' (2013), IFLA invited policy and decision makers to recognize libraries as reliable institutions carrying out programs which contribute signifi cantly to solving sustainability issues concerning the entire community. Originality. The article offers the fi rst overview of the previous Croatian practices and experiences with ``Green libraries'', which can serve as guidelines and motivate other librarians in their future work.
Stadtbücherei Frankfurt am Main (2021). Zeusch für Eusch: Die Bibliothek der Dinge
Die Stadtbücherei Frankfurt hat eine „Bibliothek der Dinge“ eingerichtet, in der vom Bügelbrett bis zur VR-Brille die unterschiedlichsten Gegenstände ausgeliehen werden können. Auch Musikbegeisterte werden fündig.
Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein (2024). Zukunftsbibliotheken-sh: Gemeinsam für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Immer mehr Bibliotheken befassen sich weltweit mit der Frage, wie sich Nachhaltigkeit im Sinne der 17 Ziele praktisch umsetzen und gemeinsam mit Menschen und Initiativen lebendig gestalten lässt. In Schleswig-Holstein verstehen sich viele Bibliotheken als ein Netzwerk solcher frqqZukunftsbibliothekenflqq, die sich bei diesem Engagement gegenseitig stärken und inspirieren. Dieser Blog bietet dazu Praxis-Tipps, Veranstaltungsberichte, Materialien und Anregungen für neue Kooperationen in der Region wie im globalen Miteinander.
Keller-Loibl, Kerstin (2019). Zukunftslabor Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek: Visionen 2030 und Herausforderungen für die Gegenwart. In Hauke, Petra (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Bibliothek 2030 (S. 251-260). Bock + Herchen Verlag. DOI: 10.18452/19927
Was können Kinder- und Jugendbibliotheken in der digitalen Zukunft leisten? Welche Anforderungen lassen sich aus der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung und dem veränderten Medienverhalten Heranwachsender ableiten? Entscheidende Weichenstellungen sind in der Gegenwart zu treffen, um dem Handeln eine Richtung zu geben. Der Beitrag beschreibterstrebenswerte Szenarien und zukunftsweisende Aufgabenfelder von Kinder- und Jugendbibliotheken ebenso wie zu vermeidende Szenarien. Entwicklungspotenziale von Kinder- und Jugendbibliotheken werden entworfen, zum Beispiel als Navigatoren in der (digitalen) Medienwelt, als Kreativlabore, als Orte der Fantasie und des Geschichtenerzählens. Die Bibliothek der Zukunft ist ein Teil der Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen: mit Beteiligungsmodellen und Making-Aktivitäten, die Alltagskompetenzen, kulturelle Bildung und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe fördern.
Schrempp, Maria; Depping, Ralf; Piesche, Claudia; Schoel, Hildegard (2021). Zwischen kulturellem Erbe und digitaler Herausforderung: Das Engagement der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln für die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 45(3), 433-439. DOI: 10.1515/bfp-2021-0074
Zusammenfassung: Als eine der größten Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Deutschlands sehen wir uns in der Verantwortung Wissen zu vermitteln, Bildung zu fördern und eine zuverlässige Informationsversorgung zu realisieren. Mit vielen unserer Kernaufgaben leisten wir einen Beitrag zu Nachhaltigkeitszielen, was uns zu einem relevanten Akteur bei der Umsetzung der UN-Agenda-Ziele macht. Neben unserem eigenen Engagement ist es uns ein Anliegen, ein Bewusstsein bei unserer Nutzerschaft für das Thema zu schaffen. Das passiert schon jetzt auf vielfältigen Wegen: Im Bereich Open Access fördern wir den ungehinderten Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information, wir digitalisieren und bewahren kulturelles Erbe für künftige Generationen und ermöglichen den Zugriff auf mehr als acht Millionen Titel. Diese Bemühungen um Nachhaltigkeit, die sich unmittelbar aus unserer Arbeit ergeben, möchten wir in einer Strategie zum Thema bündeln. Dazu zählt eine Vision für die Zukunft genauso wie eine realistische Einschätzung der Grenzen einer Strategie, beispielsweise im Rahmen der CO₂-Bilanz der Gebäude. Abstract: As one of the largest academic libraries in Germany, we see it as our responsibility to impart knowledge, promote education, and realise a reliable supply of information. Our core tasks alone make us a sustainable institution and thus a relevant player in the implementation of the UN Agenda Goals. In addition to our own contribution to sustainability, we are committed to a raising awareness of the issue among our more than 63,000 users. This is already happening in a variety of ways: in the area of open access we promote unhindered access to scientific information, we digitise and preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and we provide access to more than eight million titles. We would like to bundle these efforts for sustainability which result directly from our work in a strategy on the topic. This includes a vision for the future as well as a realistic assessment of the limits of a strategy, for example in the context of the CO₂ balance of the buildings.
Hauke, Petra (2020). Zöld írástudás. Szakmai készségek, kompetenciák és célok a zöld könyvtár menedzseléséhez. Szempontok a magyar kollégák számára. In Barátné Hajdu, Ágnes (Hrsg.), Szakmai ismeretek és készségek – átalakuló hivatás : Válogatott könyvtártudományi tanulmányok (S. 201-217). Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete. DOI: 10.46280/KOMPKONF.2020.Hauke
“Green Literacy”. Professional skills, competencies and goals of managing the Green Library. A HungarianpPerspective. Conference of the Association of Hungarian Librarians March 14th 2018 at the National Széchényi Library. Abstract: A könyvtárak nem vákuumban léteznek, hanem aktív szerepet játszanak a társadalomban. Amióta beköszöntött a zöld könyvtári mozgalom, a könyvtárak elkötelezettsége a fenntarthatóság iránt egyre inkább láthatóvá vált. A könyvtárak pozitív képüket arra használhatják fel, hogy példát mutassanak különböző szolgáltatási stratégiáikkal. Az információs jártasság tanítása terén a könyvtárak már igen sok feladatot vállaltak. Azonban fontos információszolgáltatókként ennél jóval többel kell foglalkozniuk, feladatuk lett a zöld írástudás tanítása is, a drámai klímaváltozásra és a növekvő ökológiai tudatosságra reagálva. A kérdés a következő: Hogyan kellene a magyar könyvtárosokat megfelelően megtanítani a zöld írástudásra? A tanulmány azokkal a megfontolásokkal, forrásokkal és jó gyakorlatból vett példákkal foglalkozik, amelyek szükségesek egy olyan zöld könyvtár megvalósításához, amely megfelel napjaink sürgős kihívásainak.
Woodland, Jean (2010). `Greening' Up the Library. Community & Junior College Libraries, 16(4), 241-246. DOI: 10.1080/02763915.2010.523325
This paper looks at the library's ability to spread environmental conservation efforts throughout the community. The paper suggests various ways library staff can explore environmentally friendly procedures within the context of the media center as well as ways to promote community interest and support. It identifies areas for improvement, ideas for change, resources, and examples of libraries practicing environmental awareness. It also discusses environmental audits and environmentally friendly building procedures.
Conlin, Casey (2021). ``New libraries in old buildings: Creative reuse''. Book review. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 1(1), 21-22
With programs and spaces that build local resiliency through connections between neighbors, and borrowing services that facilitate communities sharing finite resources to create social equity while limiting resource consumption and financial costs, libraries are a key part of a sustainable future on our planet. The value of the library to the people it serves justifies the economic and ecological costs of creating and updating library spaces, but in IFLA's latest publication, New Libraries in Old Buildings: Creative Reuse, editors Petra Hauke, Karen Latimer, and Robert Niess gather nineteen case studies from public and academic library buildings all over the world to challenge the idea that great library spaces can't be created in existing buildings, and demonstrate that adaptation of old buildings can provide benefits which can't be realized in new construction.
Hackenberg, Eva (2023). ``The green side of libraries'': A regional project by Goethe-Institutes in Central Eastern Europe. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 3(2), 16-17
n 2023, the libraries of the Goethe-Institutes in Central Eastern Europe placed a special focus on sustainability issues. The objectives were to promote professional exchange, to build up a network of experts in the field of sustainability in libraries and to inform interested librarians and the public about outstanding projects realized in the different countries of this region. The topics covered in this series of lectures and activities were very diverse.
Iltnere, Anna (2022). ``We have a wonderful job!'' The best Green Library project in Paris. Interview with Sophie Bobet and Alice Larmagnac
This material first appeared on the Library Portal on November 30, 2022, in Latvian. I interviewed Sophie Bobet and Alice Larmagnac as an editor of the media, which is run by the Library Development Centre at the National Library of Latvia. For the material to be available in English as well, I'm re-posting it on the Sea Library's website. For the seventh time, the Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA ENSULIB) selects and celebrates the world's best Green Library and the best Green Library project. The difference between the two categories is that being a Green Library is a much more ambitious commitment and requires that every aspect of the library's operation meets all the criteria of a green and sustainable library. The Green Library project, on the other hand, is limited in scope and time, and the budget is not decisive: the focus is on the environmental works completed in the project.
Please send comments, additions or suggestions to the bibliography to Beate Hörning.
The Bibliography Green Library is created in cooperation with the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB).
Vortrags-und Lehrtätigkeit in Deutschland und im Ausland
Vorsitzende der IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB)
Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher bibliothekspraktischer und -wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen: Themenschwerpunkte: Publikationswesen, "Green Library", internationale Netzwerkarbeit